Teen who is really down

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  • Wish I could have good advice for you Linda. Lots of hugs and prayer for you and your daughter. She is so blessed to have you.


    First thing, I would call that occupational therapist’s boss and tell her that employee is in the wrong business! Imagine, telling a client something like that!

    Also, I have a friend from church who had polio as a child, and her left arm is so limp she can only use it to brace something like a stack of papers held in the other hand. She had two babies (never dropped either of them on their heads as far as I know) and raised them to adulthood. She has been able to drive with a somewhat modified car, so she apparently doesn’t have the depth-perception issues your daughter has. (Oh, and my friend’s name is Linda.)

    However….my sister lost the sight in her left eye in an auto accident when she was 18 (she’s 50-something now), and she has been driving ever since even with limited depth-perception. I was driving us both somewhere several years ago and was having a lot of trouble trying to parallel park on this hilly street. After a couple of attempts, she barked at me, “Get out of the car!” and slid over into the driver’s seat, parking the car properly on the first try. She says she has learned a few tricks to compensate for the depth-perception issues. (Don’t know what those are, but she’s a good driver.)

    Please tell your daughter not to give up just because the first comments have been, “You can’t do that” or “You’ll never be able to do that.” Those people are not God and do not have His say-so in the matter. Instead, she should immerse herself in God’s word to find what He says about faith and her future. Jeremiah 29:11-13 is a good place to start. The books that others have recommended to you are great, especially Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts.

    Praying for your daughter,


    Thanks Amy, Sue and Simple Home. Amy, those are some good ideas I will talk and encourage her to keep learning on the cooking and baking and keep making things for people, which she does now. SOmething may come of it. I also appreciate hearing about your frend and sister Sue, that is an encouragement and the prayer and good wishes are a real boost, thank you all. I have told her God has a special plan for her and her sister, and that we just have to patiently look and see the doors opening for things. I hope that with patience, love and time we canovercome these thoughts and feelings and oh by the way, we will not be going back to that particular OT! Blessings – Linda

    Thanks Amy, Sue and Simple Home. Amy, those are some good ideas I will talk and encourage her to keep learning on the cooking and baking and keep making things for people, which she does now. SOmething may come of it. I also appreciate hearing about your frend and sister Sue, that is an encouragement and the prayer and good wishes are a real boost, thank you all. I have told her God has a special plan for her and her sister, and that we just have to patiently look and see the doors opening for things. I hope that with patience, love and time we canovercome these thoughts and feelings and oh by the way, we will not be going back to that particular OT! Blessings – Linda


    Hi Linda,

    Prayers going up for you and your daughters.

    Our pastor has a son with cerebral palsy – he is severely physically disabled, in a chair, cannot speak except through an interesting electronic device, and also making letters with his eyes.  He is so interesting!  He also lives in the country in his own house (next to his parents with an aide), makes greeting cards, edits the church newsletter…  there are many useful possibilities, especially for someone with your daughter’s gifts. 

    I wish I had some advice, but will continue praying.



    Linda, Thinking of you and both of your daughters. May God give you all strength and discernment at this time! Hugs!

    Thank you – she seems a little more positive this morning, so hopefully we will continue on that path – prayers are awesome and I thank you all for the ideas and prayers. Linda

    Michelle Kelly

    Praying for your sweet girl. “Lord, you know the plans you have for this sweet girl, plans not to harm her, but to give her a hope and a future.”

    Bless you Michelle….Linda:))


    We JUST saw a movie that impressed us SO much last night.  We were really gratified to find it had a good Christian message in addition to an inspiring personal story.  It is called Soul Surfer and is the story of a competitive surfer whose arm was bitten off by a shark.  It followed her through the difficulties afterwards, showed her determination and hard work in learning to surf again with one arm, and also showed her as she volunteered in Thailand in the wake of the tsunami.  We all loved this movie!  The only cautions I could see in it are 1) Lots of girls in bikinis-we often eschew movies like this but decided the message here was good enough, and 2) the scenes during and right after the shark attack are intense.  Not terrible, but intense–there is blood shown.  It would disturb young and sensitive kids.  But it’s a good one for teens!!! 


    I second Soul Surfer.  I just watched that with my 12 yo sister-in-law this last week and thought it was awesome.  Completely inspirational, and loved that it was based on a true story!!

    We saw the movie a couple of weeks ago and we all really enjoyed it – excellent movie and I think my daughter saw something in that – but as I say it will take time and patience. I loved the whole movie though. I am about to post a message about a new movie that is coming out and if enough people see it Warner Brothers have agreed to make more wholesome family movies, which I for one would really love to see. I will post it next. Linda


    Linda, thanks for the movie post…I forwarded to many!  I don’t know if this will help your daughter, but after scanning the forum this a.m. I read this in my devotional and your daughter immediately came to mind.  It’s in Jesus Calling, written as if Jesus is speaking to you:

    “GROW STRONG IN YOUR WEAKNESS. Some of My children I’ve gifted with abundant strength and stamina.  Others, like you, have received the humble gift of frailty.  Your fragility is not a punishment, nor does it indicate a lack of faith.  On the contrary, weak ones like you must live by faith, depending on Me to get you through the day.  I am developing your ability to trust Me, to lean on Me, rather than on your understanding.  Your natural preference is to plan out your day, knowing what will happen when.  My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you when needed.  This is how you grow strong in your weakness.”  [James 4:13-15; Proverbs 3:5; Isaiah 40:28-31]

    I’m glad she seems a bit more positive, and hope and pray it continues. Blessings, Gina

    Thanks Gina, what a lovely post and thanks for forwarding the information about the movie to more people – that is wonderful. I will print out that piece of your devotional and let her see that, every little thing helps and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Blessings, Linda

    blue j


    I have no words of wisdom for you, but will certainly pray to the Fount of all Wisdom for you and your daughter.

    I’ve been thinking about what you said your dd likes to do – bake & cook, and I have a question/ suggestion (not really wisdom, though).  Is it possible for her to make cookies or other treats for others on a fairly regular basis and then deliver them?  For instance shut-ins & home-bound people you know, new moms, birthday greetings, etc.  I realize that is not a “job” or “making a living”, but the joy that her goodies and gift of time (in delivering them) is a service to others.  Her perseverence despite the obstacles in her life could serve to lift others as well. 

    Just thinking how satan delights to confound us; how he must laugh uproareously when he can cause us to confuse vocation (usefulness) with a “job” ($$).

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