Summer Planning

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  • We are also doing a lighter school schedule this summer. We will be doing math and reading lots of good books. We also may continue our artist, composer, Shakespeare studies this summer.  My ideal summer would be for us all to sit around reading great books all summer. “Ideal” being the key word here! 🙂



    I don’t really schedule our summers either, but I think I will this year.  I know for certain we’ll do math, reading, some arts and crafts and work on some habits, I might also have him begin his cursive program, he’s excited about that.  I’m going to have my highschooler do math and get started on his Biology program. 


    Oh yeah, habits!  Unfortunately, I sometimes wait until summer to work on some of those.  This summer I’d like to get into a meal schedule routine w/ kids setting up, cleaning up, maybe cooking a favorite meal once a week or something.  Our other chores are in a pretty good routine and they clean up their own dishes…but I’ve just never worked on the other meal helper ideas:)  Gina


    We will finish up straggling writing assignments and work on math all year long. Read alouds continue, too. That’s about it.

    I’m already looking forward to fall though. We will use module 4. It’s our first SCM module to use. Excited!



    We will be continuing with math, handwriting, habits and great read alouds, for sure.  I hope to try to get in some of the things that we’ve been kind of leaving by the way-side — nature study and handicrafts in particular.  My dh will be home more so we will be able to go hiking and canoing more, and he can help our older ds with some more wood-working projects. 


    We school year round.  We don’t schedule any time off.  Instead we enjoy it when something comes up we’d like to take advantage of like: travel with Dad, camps, really blue skies and sunshine, etc.  This seems to keep us all aware that we are learning all the time and that our schooling is just another form of exposure to great ideas, etc. and not something “else” separate from life.


    going to catch up on the things I wanted to do but didn’t because of a busy school year.  You know those things you see and wish you were able to do but don’t have the time. 🙂 We are going to do more fun school. More games, unit studies, nature studies, and centers. I need some time to plan them right now. I have been thinking about them already. I think I might even plan out next years curriculm I am so excited.  Once I get everything set up I will be off and running. 🙂  Good Luck to everyone and I hope your summer plannings are going good! 🙂

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