Story of the… vs. Famous Men (and other related ?s)

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  • livken

        My 12 yo ds will studying the ancients next year. I was planning on following Charlotte Mason Help’s year 6 schedule, but I do like the way SCM has the Bible woven into this time period. So I am thinking of using the first three modules with him at about double speed. My question is about the spine used. I have The Story of the Greeks/Romans. Has anyone used it instead of the Famous men series for these modules? What are your opinions of each?

        I am also looking into picking up some extra books and wondered if anyone had read any of the following?

    God King

    Shadow Hawk


    Ides of April Beyond the Desert Gates

    Theras and his Town

    A Triumph for Flavius

    Hostage Lands

    Twice Freed

    Flame Over Tara

    others by Rosemary Sutcliff


       Also as an aside … I am toying with the idea of folding my younger two (8&10) into this study. They are doing AO yr 2 together this year. I would like to put them all together,but I am having a hard time accepting sending them back in history and delaying when they will reach American History. Any thoughts?


    Thanks everyone!



    We haven’t read The Story of the Greeks or Romans, but if they’re the Geurber books, we’ve read her Story of the Ancient World, and prefer her style to the Famous Men books; more of a continuous story and less of a profile of each individual. Our family greatly enjoyed God King, Tirzah, Theras and his Town, and A Truimph for Flavius. My 11-year-olds vote for God King as their favorite of these.


    We prefer The Story of….. over the Famous Men….. series as well, though my kids are younger, 6 & 8.  They stuck with The Story of the Ancient World, but had a hard time with The Story of the Middle Ages.  We’ve since switched to Mystery of History and that’s going much better.  


    I also read A Triumph for Flavius aloud and we all enjoyed it.  





    Bumping. Any other thoughts or opinions?


    I would agree that the Famous Men books are probably an easier read than the Story of…. books.  We like them both, but if I had to pick just one I  might go with the Story of… book knowing that I’d have to help the younger children with understanding it.  


    Any others?


    I have not read the Famous Men books, but we did do The story of the Greeks this year. I read it to a 9 year old and 7 year old. My 7 year old got a bit bogged down in some of the details, but my 9 year old begged for more every day. We read 2 stories in a day. They are very short and progressive in story line so they are easy to follow. I like the detail they give and the ease of use.

    Treasure House

    Here’s a previous thread that I commented on the Story of… books.

    We read Sutcliff’s Black Ships Before Troy and we all loved it. Also read God King…it was good and we all enjoyed it, but didn’t seem to spark interest or conversation as much as other books.

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