module 3 spine

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  • tonyam196

    I am trying to choose books for next year. I am wondering has anyone used Story of the Romans instead of Famous Men of Rome? If so did you like it? How did you use it with the planner? Thanks for the help. 🙂


    No, I haven’t. But I hope someone can answer your question. Laughing

    Treasure House

    I haven’t used Story of the Romans yet, but I’m currently using Story of the Greeks and we LOVE it. The chapters are engaging, yet short and concise, and my 12 & 9 yr olds seem to remember the stories better than other books. They’re even applying them to other areas of discussion!

    Just like you, I couldn’t decide which books to choose…Famous Men or Story of. (We own both from Yesterday’s Classics on Kindle.) I don’t know much about Greek history, but my husband does, so I gave him both books and asked him to decide. He read a few chapters of each and chose the Story of the Greeks. It was the perfect choice for our family. I’m learning right along with my boys and it has sparked more conversations than any other study so far.

    We’re condensing Greek & Roman history into 1 year, so we’ll be reading Story of the Romans soon and I’m expecting it to be just as good as Story of the Greeks. I can’t comment on how to adjust it to the planner because we don’t follow SCM’s history exactly. We use the Veritas Press history & Bible cards (although tweaking how we use those as well).

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