I am the facilitator of a CM cooperative and our music teacher has chosen Stephen Foster as our composer for the spring term. We are using Wheeler’s book for the 9 and under crowd which I used with my children a few years ago and loved! Our issue is finding a narrative form, living biography for our Form 2 and Forms 3 & 4 children. We aren’t having any luck at this point. Have any of you used a more mature book for a Stephen Foster study?
The a Story of Stephen Foster by Esther M. Douty – this is a Signature bio good for grades 3 and up although great for older.
He Heard America Sing by Claire Lee Purdy – this one is for probably grades 5+ and has snippets of Foster’s music like the Wheeler. Both OOP, unfortunately but will hopefully be easy to find.
There is also a Childhood of Famous Americans on Stephen Foster by Helen Boyd Higgins in case that helps someone else.