Starting Points World View Primer

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  • csmamma

    Has anyone used Starting Points by Cornerstone Curriculum? I’m looking at it for my 10th grade son and would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks ~ Heather

    blue j


    This was used in the co-op my girls and I were in last year.  We chose not to do this for various reasons, but I was able to listen in to the leasons as the students did them in the class.  This class did not use the history portion that goes with this because there was a history class offered already.  Having said that, there were several interesting discussions that took place.  Though there are questions to answer in the book, the class did discuss their answers and the thoughts behind them – in some cases defend their position Biblically if there were questions as to how they arrived at that answer.  It seems to be very well done.

    Do note that there is a LOT of work and reading in this, so if you are having your older son do this in addition to family history, he *may* be overwelmed by the amount of work depending upon his personality.  Having said that, I think it is a worthwhile study.

    While I realize that you won’t have your son in a group like I mentioned above, I think the discussions that could arrise from this will be very good.  I would like to do this with my girls at some point, but I’m not sure how I’ll work it in yet.  I think perhaps that my 17 yo will to through this next year, though I’m not sure about that yet.

    HTH’d in some way.

    ~jacqleene meyers


    Thanks bluej – in looking at the website, reviews, etc. -the curriculum states it would count toward 3 highschool credits (Literature, Bible & History). I see the history portion utilizes the book “Never Before in History”. However, I’m wondering if that would be enough American History… We have Notgrass Exploring America and would llke to use that as well. Starting Points looks perfect for us (I’ve been searching for a good worldview course), however trying to figure out how to fit it all in, as to not be too much. Do you feel the essay portion was enough to count toward an english credit? Thanks for sharing any thoughts you may have – anyone else?


    My good friend has this and is planning on doing it with her 9th grade dd this year. She has looked it over thoroughly and says there is a good deal of discussion etc but she feels it doable for 9th grade. She has two kids graduated at home, one of whom went on to get her Masters degree so I trust her judgement. She is preparing herself to spend a lot of time with her daughter though, I don’t think it lends itself so easily to self directed studies- but I guess that would depend on the child. Let us know how it goes! 

    blue j

    I looked through the book and it appears that there is quite a bit of writing, plus, in the class, the kids ended up writing some papers to boot.  Since my girls were not in the class, I didn’t actually buy the book, so have no idea whether or not those reports were in the book or if the leader of the class added that in.


    I just learned about STARTING POINTS from a mom who has been hs’ing for 20 years. Let me tell you……it looks amazing. From what she said, there are 3-12 week terms. The first term they read books and Bible to form their OWN worldview. They do this through the SP workbook, diagrams, forms, outlines. It looks so so good for teaching kids how to think!

    We are going to be using Notgrass for History (for my soon to be 10th grader). I am famous for doing too much! I want her to do the Notgrass, but this also…..and it does seem like this might put her over the edge?

    Since this thread is a bit older, I thought I’d comment, and ask if anyone has had any experience in how to use it with a full HS load.


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