starting a support group

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  • Benita

    I have hosted and lead small groups of homeschooling moms on and off for the last couple of years.  Over the past year, I have found quite a few more newer homeschoolers in our area.  It seems to be a growing thing here finally.  I would love for them to have the encouragement and fellowship that I didn’t have early on when I was a rather lone wolf. I have graduated one homeschooler already.  This is our 14th year.  I am no longer the “young homeschool mom”! Lol! I now want to help those coming along.

    I would like to make it  a regular thing and I am interested to hear how some of you may have lead these or participated in them.  What works?  What is not needed?  Frequency?  Format? Resources? I would love to hear your thoughts as I put together a way to bless the younger homeschooling moms around me.


    michelle mccamish

    I lead a homeschool group. I am not as seasoned as you but with the new batch of homeschoolers my nine year old is the oldest. I started the group to be for social gatherings and field trips. We have met every Thursday for the last 3 years, starting our fourth year yesterday! We alternate between park days and field trips. Field trips days range from guided tours, to hiking, theme days (like science or music we so that twice a year), swimming/bowling, ect.  We do an end of the year promotion as well — really simple potluck and the parents bring their own grade promotion certificates and I get up and have all of the kids kindergarten and up individually to receive them. We also have had Moms nights out, and this year I am adding a once a month meeting at my house  because it is just too hard most of the time to pray at the park while we are all trying to watch our kids.  I don’t know if anybody will take advantage but it seemed like a good way to invest on those moms who are really looking for that.


    We have a secret facebook group, and it works great because you can create events where people can rsvp. I do have to send an email to one family who isn’t on facebook, but love it or hate it facebook works really well. Our group actually has two pages. I have one page for main events and important info for group, and a second group page called “Forum” where moms in the group can post about anything they want without cluttering our main a page.


    I have learned a lot about what I wish I would have done up front. My biggest advice is to REALLY define what your goal and mission for the group is. And have some policies in place up front. Are any and all homeschoolers welcome or is it faith based? Do you care if homeschoolers do charter or private schools or are you trying to support independent homeschoolers? Do you want a minimum age limit for the eldest child so it doesn’t become a Moms group?

    I am a one man show right now. I manage the admin part of the group, facebook, schedule, plan almost all the field trips and events. I do surveys in the beginning of the year to get input on time of events, ideas ect. People seem to be grateful since I do so much work that they don’t complain about what eventually happens.


    However now that we have 16 families I am considering trying to bring someone on so all decisions don’t fall on me.

    My group does have policies and a faith statement. If you have anymore questions or would like me to send you any more information you can email me.

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