Spelling Wisdom on Kindle?

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  • mom2five

    Can I order the e-book and put it on my kindle? Will this work and how will I do that? I have only ever ordered kindle books directly from amazon.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Doug Smith

    It will work on your Kindle. However, it’s going to shrink down the 8.5″ x 11″ page to your Kindle screen so the type might be a bit small. You can zoom in and scroll as needed or turn your Kindle sideways to get a wider view. I recommend downloading the free sample and try it out to see if you like how it works out.


    And to get the file onto the Kindle, you have two choices…  (the exact details can depend on your Kindle Model….)


    You can hook up the Kindle USB cable to your computer… the Kindle will look like a drive, and you move the file into the correct folder.  I think it is called “Documents” on the Kindle Keyboard (it has been a while)… but might be different on a Kindle Fire….


    You can email the file to your Kindle’s free Email address.  You can find that on amazon at the “Manage your Kindle” page.


    A couple more options… I downloaded a program from Amazon called “Send to Kindle” – it handles the emailing of files for you (ie, you can right-click a file, and say send to Kindle.)


    You can get a free program called Calibre, which helps organize and manage ebooks.  It will convert files from one type to another (unless they have DRM protection on them), and handles the moving the files to/from the Kindle with the cable.


    Thanks,Doug,for your suggestion! I’ll try putting the free sample on my kindle to see what I think.

    Thanks, Suzukimom, for your technical help! I may be back with more questions depending on how I make out with the sample.

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