Speech Class / Public Speaking

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  • Gem

    I am looking for recommendations for a speech class for grades 9-10. I am interested in looking at both online classes and at-home curriculum. The class needs to be worth one high school credit.

    What have you all used?  

    I did search the book finder and the forum – but my keywords are turning up so many non-topic results! If you can link me to any discussion threads about this topic I would be grateful.

    Thanks for your help, ladies!


    sorry – no the course needs to be worth only .5 credits…


    Hi, Gem.

    !  We’ve tried several things.  Lightning Lit has a speech class


    There is a really good video set at Great Courses:  http://www.thegreatcourses.com/tgc/courses/course_detail.aspx?cid=2031

    There are also good supplementary materials here:


    And if you want lots of actual practice and speechmaking, look for a Jr. Toastmasters in your area!  


    Oh, thank you, I will look at those links. No we are not looking for extra practice – this is one of those classes that I just want to “get it over with” and I feel bad about having that attitude. Maybe once I start looking at resources I will change my mind and get happier about it 😉


    You might consider IEW Speech Boot Camp. It’s all on DVD.

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