Spanish one and two for High School?

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  • Arielle

    Does anyone have any recommendations for high school level Spanish?  My 10th grade sister (first year homeschooling for her) needs to take two years of a foreign language and decided on Spanish.  No one in our family speaks Spanish, but we do have some extended friends she could practice with every couple of weeks.  However, as far as a curriculum for learning the language goes, I am completely at a loss for suggestions to her.  Thanks for any tips/suggestions! 


    Not sure if this is truly high school level, but I saved this bookmark as a possibility when dc are much older. It has a lesson for each day, links to videos, and lays out what to do for each day’s assignment. I may go through it in my spare time to get ahead of my kids’ Salsa Spanish lessons. We are only beginning with a 6&8 year old, so again I have no idea if this lesson plan is up to par for high school credit. But being that I learned very little in 2 years of public high school Spanish, I am certain doing the linked online course will be better than a subpar high school classroom course.


    Just looked at the link more closely and discovered there is a course for Spanish 2 credit linked from Easy Peasy homeschool as well

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