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  • lovinmomma

    Does anyone use Story of the World with some added literature/picture books?


    Yes, we do.  I plan for one chapter per week (I know that this means you won’t “finish” in a school year, but I don’t really worry about that – we just keep going…).  I look ahead at the basic topics/people and then I search my library’s catalog for living books/literature/picture books on that topic/person and have them put on hold.  So the first day we read from SOTW.  Then the second day we read from a library book.  If it’s long, this may take the rest of the week.  If they’re short, then we’ll read other books throughout the week.  We might do a project or a coloring page on this topic too (or maybe a map).  Then on the last day of the week we put things in our timeline book.

    Hope this helps,



    Thank you for sharing your experiences with me!


    Hey Julie, we plan on using the AG with G to D, does that count?  I think they will work well together.


    We use the SOTW Activity book which lists additional titles to read. I’m also using Sonlight which schedules this along with lots of books to read.

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