Sonlight to SCM Or MFW, BF

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  • Jessica Voges

    If you used to use Sonlight and switched to SCM, why?  Was it because  of the number of books that Sonlight used or the content?  We used MFW for several years and loved the biblical focus, however we wanted a more CM feel and the library was not working out.  With SCM at least in the Modern guide I’m not getting that biblical immersion feel.  At least not yet.  Also, my kids are wanting me to read more.  I was thinking maybe I could add in Sonlight books.  But then again I could switch outright.  I’ve been homeschooling 10 years and nothing seems to fit exactly.  Beautiful Feet books might also be an option.  Thoughts?  Suggestions?


    What has worked fo us, so far (6th year) is using SCM as our history guide and then adding in books of interest using variety of sources. Sonlight, Beautiful Feet… all sorts of book lists.

    It allows me to stay consistant with school and add in books where kids show more interest. Then if life gets crazy we can stick to the basics, but when we have time add to it.

    I really like SCM because I feel it is a great amount of reading, but not so much that we can’t read more when we want to. When looking at SL (I look at it often, LOL) I feel like we would feel overloaded quickly and read to “check a box” not enjoying it as much. But that might just be us 🙂

    Jessica Voges

    I love your perspective.  I’ve thought that in the past but some how your suggestion seems new.  SCM is the minimum and we can add if we want more from wherever.


    We did SCM Ancient Egypt last year and the Bible part was some of my favorite. It definitely felt like Bible immersion to me.

    Jessica Voges

    We probably just started in the wrong cycle and with Bible scheduled only once a week I’m having to supplement.  The first 3 guides I know are more Bible focused which I can’t wait for.


    I am wanting to use All through the Ages by Christine Miller (nothing new press) for an inexhaustible book list. My mom has it is organized by era and really long and easy to use.

    I am planning to use SCM next year for history but my oldest is just now 5 so we are barely starting. Keep this in mind. I looked a lot at Son light too but some of her book choices particularly in the upper levels are unessary for Christians add perhaps even inappropriate. There are people discussing this on the internet… You can look if you want. I don’t remember the specifics and don’t have a catalogue right here. I also like that I can add on to the SCM guides and not be overwealmed.

    Jessica Voges

    Yes, All Through the Ages is Great.  That’s what I remember reading about Sonlight as well just not sure what they mean?

    Sandra Wade

    I used Sonlight last year. I feel like it required reading way too many books. In fact I felt the need to drop a few. I swapped to SCM Modern Times for this year. The content and the quantity of books have been just right.


    Different parents have different goals for their students so weigh that with everything I say. I would say some of sonlights book choices are too mature.

    I would not read 20 and 10 to a kindergardner…love the book for a few years later though. Also i personally thought Charlotts Web was too sad to bother with when I read it about 4th grade and she recommends it for 1st to 3rd.  For example Farewell to Manzanar is a book I read and learned from in a 200 or 300 level college class. She recomends it for 7th to 11th graders. It may be OK for some highschool students but it is a pretty intense retelling of a USA internment camp during WW1. In that same year she recommends the cross and the switchblade. To bloody and intense in my opinion. Later in grades 10-12 she recommends the Metorphosis about a man who becomes an insect. I read this as a college freshman and found it disturbing. I also read Candide as a college freshman (recommended gr11 or 12) I remember it being a bit sordid at least and unnessary reading Things Fall Apart is also a dark disturbing story (also gr11-12) not necessarily bad but that grade has too many of them. I understand including the Canterbury Tales in their elective British lit level but even at a Christian University we skipped the Wife of Baths tale for its bawdy content… in the same level is Frankenstein… I still refuse to read this I know it would give me nightmares.

    Perhaps i am too sensitive but still ” whatever is true, whatever is honorable…” I am someone who loves to read and has always liked school and understand about being in the world. I finished up at a liberal private college. But, let’s not push too hard in highschool. The world is full of lovely Godly things as well. We need to teach the evil and dark also but not focus on it…..

    I know many Christians like Son light and I don’t think it is all bad…just my 2 cents.

    Jessica Voges

    Roslyn, thank you so much.  This is what I was wondering about.  I even read a story today from Core A about child sacrifice and it made me uncomfortable.  I was hoping it was an isolated occurrence.


    I am glad to be of help. I looked long at Sonlight this summer for kindergarden. I know myself well enough to know that I want to do a lot of my own thing but I was thinking of using one of their instructors guides for ideas…and I love looking at curriculum;) Keep in mind I haven’t actually used it though for the above reasons and others:)


    I Would say to use SCM and add in some Bible for the last 3 guides. Just read the Bible and talk about it or find a Children’s devotional to guide you. We are enjoying little visits with God published in 1957 it looks like its been reprinted though…

    If you want more reading look in All through the Ages or pick a few from SonLight…just preread. I would rather add in than delete. I hope you find something that works and never be a slave to a curriculum:)

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