Sonlight or jump into Module 1?


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  • Has anyone done the Sonlight P or A cores and then started with SCM module 1? The idea of more generally exploring world culture before jumping into the chronological is appealing to me as my oldest will only be 6-7 years old this school year and the next daughter down 5-6….or would you just jump in to module 1 and keep it a little lower key with book choices?

    Any advice is appreciated :o)


    I used Sonlight A ( I think! I’ve used K and 1, and I think what was K is now A?) Anyway, the the books that were supposed to be the history/culture portion of the core are very much an overview and not great – twaddly!! However, the core was really helpful in increasing my son’s ablitiy to listen to chapter books and non-picture books. The read alouds are mostly fantastic, and I recommed that part of the core. My son was 5 when we read these books, and we’ve re-read several and I’m thinking of reading some of them again now that he’s almost 8. There are many layers to be explored in a good living book!


    I used what they used to call P 4/5 (Exploring God’s World) for my son’s “K” year and then started Module 1. I’m not sure if this is the same one you are talking about or not 🙁  But, if it is, we had no problems starting at the beginning of history for a “first grade.”  A few of the books have been a little heavy for my ds6.5, but otherwise we’ve had a great year.  When we started Module 1 he was 6.1 as we go from July to July.  DS loved all the books in P 4/5 and still loves to pick them up and look at them all the time.


    I just have had the chance to look at the books in the history portion of core A and I agree with aylin – the books for this portion, with the exception of “I Heard Good News Today” aren’t great. While I also like the idea of a general look at world cultures before starting in the modules, the books chosen to do this didn’t grab my interest. Our library has almost all of the books in the read-aloud portion, and again as mentioned above, many would be good for developing a longer attention span. My suggestion would be to try to look at as many titles as you can or need to – at your library first if possible – to get a feel if Core A would be a good fit for your family. 

    Hi, I am new to this site and CM in general, but I plan on starting my 6.5yo in year 1 in a few months time.  I have done SL for almost 2 years now, first P4/5 and we are currently busy with Core A.  After becoming more familiar with CM methods, I have noticed how ‘dry’ the current Usborne books are that we are using.  The only appealing thing about them are the pictures. I am also really looking forward to taking more time to do History, focusing on one period at a time with enough time to really explore it.  Especially in Core A, you only spend a few days reading about a certain time period, and then it’s lots of repetition anyway.  Although my son enjoys it, I don’t think there’s much retention, except for a few facts that interest him.  If I had found this site a year ago, I would have skipped core A and changed over to SCM, regardless of not having done an overview of world culture.

    Hope this helps!


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