So tell me about the Christmas tree meaning/origins..?

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    In our home, we do ALL for the glory and witness of Christ! Christmas and Easter is the only time in America where Jesus is acknowledged and maybe even lifted up! I thank God for this opportunity to let Him shine throughout homes all across our nation. We also take the devils day and use it to preach the gospel. For these reasons alone our family is in this world and a part of these traditions, but we are in Jesus Christ. It is a a shame to see people shun the lost and dying world in order to “purify” themselves. The Holy Spirit is a consuming fire and He is looking for those who worship in Spirit and truth. I have such a heart for those that want so badly to be justified by their works, but do not walk in the power and authority our Heavenly Father has given us. I am not saying this is the case for anyone here. I have just seen people become religious and it saddens me. Just to make it clear, I fully understand and honor the decisions of those of you who are choosing to opt out of these holidays. I am thankfu l to see hearts I know want desperately to please God. He is so pleased when we want to seek Him. I know this is a touchy subject . It is a spiritual decision that ea h home will make and, honestly I believe as long as you are lifting up the .name of Jesus and you are .not of going against your concience, God is pleased. 😉


    Missing the shire- What you have said is true.  However, I have seen that some people who simply tell their beleifs and thoughts sometimes get blown away by others. They may not agree and let the person know sternly. Ok. We know the persons veiws. We know why, we have the info. We don’t have to beat the other up because we don’t have the same veiws.  Sometimes others take it so personal so no matter what you say they will take it personally and take it the wrong way….. My thought on that one is…. The person that read my post either didn’t understand what I was saying… , Didn’t know how I was saying it… VIA Typing…,  Or just was looking for a vent. I have learned not to take it personally.  AS Others should. (athiest included)

       Everyone does handle it differently…  The thread in this case was about the Christmas Tree.  It wasn’t about whether or not it was right or wrong to celebrate it…. (as I was led to think) It was about the origins and meaning of it.   It is pagan as is other holidays.  It was informative. As are many of the threads we have here. Many have others opinions in it. 

          As I look at it most of the people on here were informing as to the origins of the pagan rituals of the tree.

    Now, if someone is offended by anything I have ever said on here I pray that they just see it as informative. sometimes my point of veiw. Please do not take it the wrong way. Anything I ever say is in Love. I mean no harm by what I say or the meaning of what I am saying.   I don’t write in malice and I try not to take things in malice. I sure hope others don’t either.  What I have said above it informative. One must do the research theirselves and not take others opinions and information without looking further into it.

      It is not to be offensive even if it could be taken that way. So if anyone is ever or has ever been offened by me or what I say I pray you will pm me and let me work this out on a personal basis.

             Thank You and have a blessed day!

    Just to say I am really never offended by anything. In my life I have seen and heard much all over the world, and I have learned to accept differences and not be offended – however I do believe that faith is very individual and when something is put accross in such a way as to suggest everyone else is wrong, that to me is a problem – not that it is offensive but it is thoughtless and careless as it could easily hurt someone.  So I just like to see a little responsibility in our words…


    instead of taking the attitude of this is the only way…how about – in our house we believe such and such and we learned a lot of what we believe by looking at this and that; we understand others have different beliefs and we respect them, but this is what we believe and why…

    I think that would be great, because others can see other views but it would be written in a pleasant non judgemental way and yet the point is still put accross.  This I think would be a better way, than trying to say others are wrong.  I am not saying you did Chocodog, just that these conversations can get a little out of hand if we are not considerate and thoughtful.  It is great that people are so solid in their own version of their faith, but not all believe the same things, so all I am saying is let us try and be polite and that way we can all enjoy different views:))


    My apologies to the OP for steering this thread off from your original question of origins. I was simply sharing from the heart why origins aren’t the most important thing to consider, but the condition of the heart is.

    Just to be clear.

    I never judged anyone re. their convictions re. holiday symbols, nor was i offended by their viewpoint.

    I stated at the beginning of my post that I was addressing a larger issue than the origins. I WANT people to follow the Lord’s leading in their lives. If he leads others not to put up a Christmas tree or carve a pumpkin, that’s fine. However, it is erroneous and sinful to judge those who put up trees and carve pumpkins as pagans and idol worshippers. God looks at the heart, not outward appearance as man does. There is NOTHING in my home at the holidays that dishonors God, regardless of its origins, Christmas trees and pumpkins included.

    It is terrific to share your point of view and iron does sharpen iron. However, on a forum such as this it is often best to voice your thoughts, views and opinions in humble and gracious terms that don’t result in accusing others of paganism and idolatry just because they choose to celebrate a holiday that you don’t. Yes, the original question was about origins, but understanding origins is not all there is to a subject.

    I love The Lord with every fiber of my being. I want to serve Him whole heartedly in everything I say, think, and do each day. Unfortunately, I often fail, but it is not in holiday traditions, it is with a sharp word here or an act of laziness there or what have you.

    In today’s society and even in Christian circles there is little danger of trees and pumpkins becoming idols, but there is great danger in pride, family, way of eating, me time, Internet, you fill in the blank becoming idols!

    Blessings to each of you as you follow the path God has for YOUR family.


    Nicely put Christie, as always I appreciate your words.


    Just a thought… If you were atheist you don’t beleive in G-d.  So, you probably wouldn’t put up a tree..  Right?

    This led me to think even further into it.  If you were Muslim, Islam, or Naturalist (Nature Lover, worshipper, or something close to is) You probably wouldn’t beleive in the Christmas tree either  Right?

       So, who would be a person we would be talking about anyway? Couldn’t be Jewish They don’t beleive in a tree.

    Further thought…  The only ones that would be offended would be people who probably put up Trees right?

    Those that probably worshipped Christ on Christmas. So they would be going by the Bible. Which that would be those in the realm of whom I would be offending, presumpuously.  Those who would be of like faith? Those who read the Bible and beleive in Christ. Those would be the ones I think would be offended the most.

     Ok not that it all matters but in the realm of things I think that the only one that would be offended by this thread would be those who don’t want to accept what was considered a pagan ritual or not. Which has been disclosed by what G-d himself has said is pagan. 

         Remember not to shoot the messanger even if you don’t like the message that was sent.  Or in this case the way it might be typed out.. 

            Really, being funny and not to be taken in a matter of malice so don’t take it in that manner.

    I actually don’t care if the tree has Pagan origins,  I like my Christmas tree, I like the way we do Chirstmas and I don’t dislike Pagans/Wiccans etc either, they believe what they believe and I respect that too.  Personally I think this is not really worth discussing – lots of people have Christmas trees at Christmas and are happy with them; I am certain they don’t worship them and I say enjoy the things you enjoy and ignore that which you don’t agree with or don’t enjoy – quite simple really. Life is too short and time is too precious for silly things.


    Actually, Chocodog, I have met atheists who have celebrated Christmas with a tree and presents.  It was probably 20 years ago and I remember feeling vaguely shocked that they celebrated Christmas at all. lol 

    I think the whole point here that we all agree on is that:

    Yes, a lot of pagan traditions were adopted and changed by the early Christians who used it to help teach the new converts to think differently about their old traditions.  This helped them to change and STAY changed from the old rituals – you know how hard it is to change with no support?  Like alocholics need to remove themselves from situations, I have seen people backslide who are not able to remove themselves from a situation that existed prior to their accepting Jesus or being baptized.


    In the scheme of building up our own family traditions, why does anyone even care if I have a tree or not??  Those of us who have Christmas trees are not outside dancing naked around them chanting spells or anything.  Just like jmac17 said, we use them to help remind us of the Savior’s role in our lives. 

    And, I agree completely with Christie about the Lord judging the unseen.  The Lord KNOWS our hearts and intents. He knows what we feel and believe. HE is the judge, not us.  And may I say – having / not having a Christmas tree is probably not going to assure us entrance to heaven or assuring us a special place in hell reserved for people who had Christmas trees.  Our attitudes toward each other do, however. =)  We are all, as Tara said earlier, in different places on the path, and if we really follow Christ, then love and respect should be shown to all, Christmas trees or not.  


    LOL Sheraz-  I know there are Atheists who have a tree.  You are funny.  I was making a point (sort of a funny thought)  It was more on the lines of why would an Atheist have a tree.  If they don’t beleive in Christ or G-d… It was just the thought of it being funny.  You know it was a thought of who should be the ones we are talking about that should have a tree. It isn’t that they wouldn’t just that who would be adressed most by this. It really was a heart matter.  The thing is the pagan ritual was there long before the church picked it up. It goes all the way back before the tower of Babel. It was introduced from the church to make christians out of pagans with pagan backgrounds to turn them away from their pagan beliefs. They brought them into the church not taking them away from the pagans. The Jews were the ones that never took the pagan beleifs. Those are the two lines that are to be followed. Those of beleiving in G-d; The G-d of Noah. and Those of His Son Ham and his descendants who worshipped false idols and foreign gods.  This is where all the original “pagan” worship comes from.                      Those of the church were the Jews who beleived in Christ. The others were gentiles; Those grafted in.  The grafted in church has many sects that have broke away from the original churches and many have taken in those pagan beliefs of their forefathers to appease those gentiles or pagans. They were even talked about back then.       So, that is where I am coming from when I say it has it’s pagan roots. It makes it alot easier to devise whether or not we are following a pagan ritual or not. If G-d has told us to tear them down. Like he told Gideon in Judges 6: 26,29.   Then, you can see how pagan it really was and how G-d is displeased by it just standing there taking up space for all to see.  He said, ” Tear it down”. 

     Everyone-  Now, I am not argueing your point about how you want to keep a tree, decorate it ect… That is to each person. I am not arguing that you are not dancing around it chanting.  I am just saying what it says in the Bible and how it is a pagan ritual. How G-d has declared his dislike for it and to tear it down.  I meerly am not judging anyone here. I may have been taken wrong that I may be judging. I am not judging anyone. I am merely saying what it says in the Bible. I know G-d will judge the hearts of those that come before him. That is not my place.  However, my stand is that it is a pagan ritual that the G-d of the Bible says he is displeased.  I am not trying to make anyone mad or make them feel belittled for having a tree. What one chooses for their family is no business of mine. I merely am giving you information that I have learned. If it is taken that way then it was taken wrong.  If any of you are feeling anger towards me then maybe it isn’t me that you should be angry with. I didn’t write the book I merely am saying what it says. What I have learned and where to get the information. I realize this is a subject for each family to decide. It took me some time to learn this. I didn’t come to this over night. However, I realized eventually that it was a deciding factor in the way we celebrate today.  I want to please him. I want others to please him. If it means telling others and having them be mad at me for it I guess so be it. I am only telling the truth.  You will see.   Even if you are in different places right now in your walk with him. The truth is the truth and it will set you free….

                      BLessings to you all..


    Christie- I wanted to say thank you for sharing your viewpoint on this thread. I have struggled for a couple of years with the whole Christmas Tree thing but some of the things you have said on this thread really resonated with me today. It has opened up alot of discussion about Christmas between my husband and I today. So, thanks for sharing your view.


    You are welcome, Britney.

    Sonya Shafer

    I think most everyone who desired it has had opportunity to share their hearts now, and I want to thank all of you who did so with grace and love. As with some other topics, this one is such that can bring intense emotions with it. So in the interest of keeping this forum a safe haven, I’m going to gently close this topic now.

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