Snack Time


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  • Misty

    I have a question.. how many if any snack times do you have? And what kind of snacks do you do? (Besides just giving them a piece of fruit or vegi) Looking for some fresh idea’s with Spring starting on FRIDAY 🙂

    I just made some oatmeal raisin cookies and strawberry jam bars and thought maybe I’d look here for some more healthy between meal snacks. Easy ones.. few ingredients.. can be whipped up quick..



    Sometimes we only have one and other times we have two. It depends on how the morning goes and how early breakfast was eaten. Sometimes I provide dried fruits (there are quite a few varieties), teddy grahams, marshmallows, nuts, seeds. The kids really like to mix and match and make their own “trail mix.”

    Hope this helps!



    We do snacks about 10:30am and about 3pm – and it might be just a couple of graham crackers or a piece of fruit. Also, yogurt or cottage cheese. Another, more substantial snack that my kids like is “cheesy tortilla” – which is a flour tortilla with a handful of shredded cheese, in the microwave for about 20 sec., then folded over and cut in half. The bigger meal variation on this is “bean burrito” which just adds some mashed up pinto beans (dump out a can and mash them up with a fork) to the inside of the tortilla.

    We also might eat cereal for a snack – Life is a favorite. Also popcorn – I have weaned them entirely from microwave popcorn, and although it isn’t as convenient to make it on the stovetop, it is alot healthier. They eat peanut butter in different ways – just on a spoon LOL, peanut butter balls, spread on graham crackers.

    I’d say we eat several snacky meals through the day, and then a more dinner-like meal in the evening when dad is home. My kids are small (in age (age 5 and 8) and size (both under 50 lbs.) so they don’t really need alot of calories. I try to keep meals small and frequent.

    You mentioned oatmeal cookies – I think these are a great snack!

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