Smyth’s Commentaries?

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  • asher.and.oak

    I recently purchased and started reading through Smyth’s commentary on Genesis. CM seems to recommend using Smyth with younger students, but it definitely assumes a pretty deep familiarity with the entire bible story, even for the student. My eldest is going into 1a and I can’t imagine that he’ll be ready for this for another year or two. Am I missing something? How do others use Smyth’s commentaries? Would love to hear how a lesson is out together by anyone that uses them as well. The lessons are so long and broken up into pieces, are we meant to spend a whole week on one chapter? Wouldn’t that take years and years to get through that way? I really like the commentary so far I just have no idea how to practically present it through lessons.


    Giving this a little bump in hopes that someone will have some insight…


    I have never used Smyth’s, but from what I have read I think it is meant for the teacher/parent to use for lesson prep. So you would read ahead and then present the info as you see fit for your student. I don’t think it was meant for you to read aloud in its entirety or to have your young student read.  I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.


    Thanks Crystal. In the Genesis one I have, it has a lengthy commentary for the teacher/parent followed by a lesson for each section that appears to be for reading aloud to the student. There is some guidance in the front of the book but I’m new to bible study (and christianity in general!) so I guess I need more hand holding than the average person.


    Yes, this is meant for the parents to read and to give some other insight when reading scripture to the kids.  There might be a paragraph I might occasionally read if it works well to introduce a lesson otherwise it is just for the parents’ benefit.  I love it though, other thoughts that I normally wouldn’t think of.

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