Sleep schedules

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  • Hello. I am just wanting to know if anyone else on here is a night owl? I have a husband who has been working nights for four years now and throughout that time, I have somehow grown accustomed to staying up late. Not purposely. Just happened. 

     Now…my experience is that most seem to go to bed early, rise early, and live by a very strict schedule. But in our homeschool, we have all adapted to this somewhat unique schedule of staying up late, reading books cuddled on the couch, etc…then sleeping in a little later than most in the mornings. 

     My parents seem to think this is unhealthy and that I should be rising early and getting them going sooner. Keeping to the Public school type schedule. NOT! We get all of our school done, in the CM fashion. We are somewhat laid back, but yet we still manage to get in quite a lot of learning in a days time. Your thoughts? 


    I am by nature a night owl. My best hours are from about 10 PM – 2 AM, but with 4 kids (3 are morning people & who knows about the baby) and a husband who doesn’t work nights, but is more of a morning person, I’ve adapted. Right now my routine is off b/c of baby #4 who is not yet sleeping through the night as long as I would like. (We’re working on that starting TONIGHT!) Generally, I get up at 7:30 AM, we get school started around 10 AM and I get in bed by 11 or 11:30 PM. My family just runs more smoothly if I do it this way, but I do sometimes slip into my night owl ways.Smile




    I’m not a night owl, not one bit.  However, if my DH had a different work schedule where being a night owl would give our family more time awake with him in the evenings we would make the switch! 

    I am most definitely a night owl, and my husband is not – however there have been times in his military career that we have both had to adapt to wierd hours just so we could see each other.  I do not worry about our daughters not being able to get up early and go to college or work in the future, they are both very adaptable, and though they have had times where we have stayed up late to see dad for months on end, they also are quite capable of going the other way.  I have to say, we are not a familywho follow a strict wake up routine.  My daughters get up at between 7 am and 7:30 and they start their schoolwork about 9am.  On weekends they sometimes sleep in, other times they will be up early – we are extremely flexible with that.  I remember as a teen keeping very odd hours and yet I never had a problem when I was working getting up at 5:30 and being at work at 7am.  So I would not worry, family time is more important, and what works for some families won’t work for another – if it is right for you – then don’t worry – being flexible is a great skill to have as well.


    By nature, I am not a night owl; however, my husband also works late most evenings, and I just can’t stand to go to bed without him. So, I’ve adapted. *sigh*

    We do not adhere to a “strict” schedule as far as going by the clock, but we do things in the same order everyday.

    The kids usually wake up between 8:00 and 9:00, so it’s not like I can say we start school at exactly 9:30. I think one of the great joys of hsing is that you don’t have to follow someone else’s schedule (public school or otherwise). And if you’re getting everything done, then why does it matter. Some families thrive on early mornings and early to bed, while others do not. 

    Either way, the most important thing to consider is what works best for your family. Smile

    Laughing Thanks so much for the encouragement ladies. I realize that it’s not really that important what other people think. It’s what works best for us. I just feel really guilty when I don’t seem to be doing what even OTHER homeschoolers are doing. It seems the ones I associate with are early to rise and early to bed. My mom puts that pressure on me too! And not to mention the fact that I have several public school teachers in my family!!!!!! NOT Very encouraging.

    Anna Christine, I used to feel pressure to conform years ago as well – my sister is a teacher and other homeschool moms always seemed to be up and starting with school sometimes by 7am.  This just did not work for us, some of us have different body clocks, different work hours for our spouses, and above all else we know our children better than anyone bar God.  We have to somehow learn to trust our judgement in doing what is right for our families and that took me some time to do – but now I am really not bothered what others think about how we manage our day – I just want to make sure it works for us.  Thismorning is very unusual for me, I am posting this at 5:15 and that is because it was so warm in the house last night that I could not sleep – so I am sitting here at the computer, listening to the birds singing sweetly – that perhaps is a wonderful way to start the day – however  I will let my daughters sleep and when they get up we will start our day – we always get things done, so I don’t worry.  Relax and try not to let anyone deter you from what works well for you. 


    My 4 boys, ages 9 to 3, wake up between 8 and 10 every morning.  Shocking, I know!!!  Most of the time they go to bed between 8 and 9, but I guess they need lots of sleep.  I too wake up later because I have a hard time sleeping at night.  We do get our schoolwork done and they do have lots of play time so I don’t worry about it too much.  Sometimes I compare myself to others with earlier schedules and think that would be great, but it doesn’t work for us.  Maybe later.  Maybe not.  We’re happy and that’s really all that matters.

    You’re doing fine!  Enjoy the time with your husband and kids, even if the hours are “weird”.


    These things you have all said make much sense. I really shouldn’t let what others do or say intimidate me in my way of thinking. We used to get up quite early in the beginning of our home schooling journey because I thought it was what was “Best” for us, especially since I had just pulled my children out of school and they were “used” to that schedule. NOT! My son never was a morning person! It was like pulling teeth to get him up and ready for school back in those miserable days. UGH! 


     So..we shall continue on our journey with the “schedule” we’re on, if you want to call it that, and if life changes, then we will adapt. 

     Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Means so much!!!! Seriously.


    This isn’t too late, I don’t think, but I like to stay up til 11 or 11:30 and up by 7:30-8. My daughters go to bed at 8:30/9 and up at 7:30/8:30. We don’t eat breakfast til 9 and school by 10 at the latest after chores. We all have the same 24 hr days so it doesn’t matter what time we do things as long as we get them done, right?  🙂 I would like to be an early riser (I’ve enjoyed it in the past for a short time lol) but I just can’t go to bed before 11. I love the peace and quiet!


    It is nice to know there are others who enjoy the peace and solitude of late night.  Early morning is beautifully peaceful, but the peace and quiet of a home late at night is wonderful – that is the time I enjoy letting my daily cares slip away, as I immerse myself in the Word for some time.  It is another blessing of homeschooling that we can adapt our days to suit our families, schedules of husbands and our body clocks.

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