Simply Music?


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  • HeidiS

    Have any of you any experience with this product? It looks very intriguing both for my daughter and myself. I guess I am a little afraid that she will resist and find it “too cheesy” so I am looking for anyone who has used Simply Music and can share your thoughts?


    oh, my dd is 11, not much music except listening to her older siblings play..



    I highly recommend it.  I have used it with my daughters starting at about Christmas time (they were 8 and 6 years old).  We are taking a break over the summer but I have been very impressed so far.  I bought both Levels 1 and 2, and we are about half way through Level 1. 

    Your 11 year old daugther would probably move through quite quickly at least at the beginning.  At her age she would probably be able to do it mostly on her own.  I don’t think that she would find them “too cheesy” – even as an adult I don’t feel like I’m being talked down to.  My daughters are a little younger so I watch the video with them, help them to do the short piece a few times and then I let them practice several days on their own before we move on. 

    Before having my own children I taught piano lessons, but I used the more traditional approach of teaching students to read music and fumble along with just their right or left hands until finally letting them put both the left and right hands together.  I tried this approach with my oldest daugther and it was torture for her.  Simply Music doesn’t teach students to read music right away, instead they teach what I would call patterns (or music sentences) and within the first few lessons they are playing with both hands and playing music that sounds quite advanced.  They enjoy it so much more, but if they continue to go on eventually I will teach them read music.  I wish Simply Music sold more than the first two levels in video format.  By the way, you can buy it right now at the homeschool buyers co-op for such a great deal.  I paid regular price but I still consider what I paid to be a bargain.

    I hope that helps!



    Thanks for the encouragement about Simply Music Sue!  I’m so embarrassed to say I purchased last summer from the Homeschool Buyers Co-op with the best of intentions and we haven’t even opened it.



    Looks great!  I’ll have to talk to my dh about this one!  He’s been trying to learn himself!


    Thanks Sue! It looked good to me and I did see it on the Co-op so was tempted but I have made lots of impulse buys over the years that haven’t panned out so well. But, with a piano in the home and no one playing it I just thought it was worth a shot! I am going to give it a try and see how it goes, who knows, maybe I will get past that ‘beginning adult’ book on my shelf:) I have been told there are good youtube videos out there for learning to play as well but our internet is exhorbinant so this looks like a better option.

    Thanks again



    Melissa – Don’t feel bad I had my videos for about a year before I cracked them open as well! 

    HeidiS – I have a lot of impulse buys as well, some I haven’t even tried.  Why does something seem so urgent and important until it gets into my home I’ll never know! 

    And like learning anything else consistency and practice is the key.  When life gets busy it is a lot easier for my family to be consistent about subjects like math than music. 

    Just to make things confusing another video series that I have read about is Learn and Master Piano by Will Barrow.  It is intended for older children and adults.  I will consider using this after we are finished with Simply Music, but if your children are older you might be able to skip Simply Music all together.  I don’t have any personal experience with Learn and Master Piano.  By the way Learn and Master ALWAYS has a big sale on – so don’t feel rushed into buying because of the latest “great deal” – there will be another deal next week!  There are quite a few reviews of Learn and Master Piano online.




    Thanks Sue

    I ordered the Simply. I just want her to love the music the way she did when she was small. Neither she nor I are intrinsically ‘musical’ but we both enjoy music and I think she needs some other choices in the cold winter months aside from her computer etc. She is the youngest of 5 with the next eldest graduating this coming June and I think she is feeling a little lonely in this big house with all the big guys moved out, lol, so I am trying to find some things we can do and enjoy together. We live quite rural, but not acreage- that would be heaven for her- and she has very few friends her age nearby, so spends a lot of time on her own. I am trying to help her make wise choices for her time…

    thanks for the input, I will check into Learn and Master as I see how this one flows..


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