Should I wait on Laddie?

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  • Linabean

    So, I would just like some feedback on what I should do about something. I had my dd 12 (a young 12) start reading the literature book Laddie recently. She says it has been very hard for her to follow for some reason and that she is having a hard time with the language used, etc. so is finding it very difficult to comprehend and therefore is bored with it. Should I have her wait on continuing with it for a while? Or, should I just get her to keep going with it and hope that it will be a good “stretching book” as far as growing her reading and comprehension skills? Not sure what the more CM thing to do in this situation is.

    She has not finished only one other book that has ever been assigned to her. Jack’s Insects, assigned to her when she was aged 9-10. But she was also going through some pretty severe anxiety disorder issues at that time as well. Oh, and just for point of reference, she is a fairly good reader but probably not at quite the level that a lot of other CM kids her age are at, yet.

    Appreciate any experienced feedback,



    I would read it aloud to her and tell her to stop you if she doesn’t understand something. I think this will help you figure out what the specific problems she is having and get the book finished.

    Of course it isn’t a big deal if you decide not to finish the book.

    One of the things I teach my children is that when a book is too violent, or doesn’t sit well with their conscience, they should stop reading it and discuss with me. I may pitch the book or note that it is better for boys, etc.

    The same goes for movies. I want my children to be able to walk out in the middle of a movie that is not for them, not suffer through to “get their money’s worth or not leave their friends”.

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