The ladies have given you wonderful encouragement and many things to think over.
A question I had was have you asked your older children what rites of passage they feel like they missed out on by not attending Highschool? It seems like they are encouraging her toward school, and if it was me I would want to know the reasons of why. I guess I would also want to know if the older ones had a realistic picture of what they see as the ps rites of passage. My memory of ps rites of passage was high peer pressure to go against one’s conscious, morals, & God.
My oldest is 13, has always been homeschooled, and hasn’t asked to go to school. However, this fall he was starting to show some curious interest in what it is all about. My DH had the idea to fill some of that interest by doing a ‘pretend go to school morning’. He got up at his usual time of 7:30. Junior High in our area starts at 7:50, so he dressed and out the door we went with 3 siblings in tow (who get up early and were much more ready to be going!). We drove the 5 minutes and circled through the drive way for drop off. At this point he was begging to never go. We live in an area with a run down school and school safety out front. Afterwards I drove to a private school, elementary school drop off, and the private school with our church 20 minutes away. He is in the front seat now, which helped. I had a really good talk with him about the realities of school on that drive. I shared many of my memories, and even though I liked school and was a good student I see & saw it for what it really is. I shared those insights and some of the Junior High problems that many students choose with him. I gave him a reality picture more then I had before. I talked about my students staying up until midnight to study and always being tired (I used to teach). I talked about him getting up at 6 and studying late at night. He has grown 5 inches since April and needs his sleep so he really understood the problems! It was an excellent heart to heart and our church school made the drive long enough. We also talked about HS and how we won’t do Catholic or Lutheran or public and those being the only HS options in our area. I told him our reasons of why those schools weren’t right for our family. I think it really helped him to know the reasons behind our decisions as parents. I haven’t heard a word about school since.
I would find out what she is really hearing and explain your reasons of why you homeschool.
We belong to a coop that we have been part of for two years. I have very mixed feelings about coops. It has been OK for us, but I think a support group would be better and they don’t seem to be around anymore. I had one when I first started homeschooling and it was wonderful on its support for mom and some opportunities for kids.
A substitute teacher friend of mine at our small PS, just 10 minutes away shared an alarming new MS tread. 6,7 and 8th grade girls are vocally bi-sexual and the children are very “inappropriate” in the hallways with their peers. The sub asked how she should respond to these children’s actions and from the principals mouth, she was to walk by and ignore, as long as personal harm was not imminent. Ladies, be very cautious because our nation/world is filled with great confusion and it’s a self-pleasing society.
Talk about not thinking things through: a distant relative stopped by tonight with his new pistol that he proudly now carries concealed and it was loaded. He brought it out to show my ds, 20,. They were in our living room While I was with 7 adults and children sitting in our kitchen, They were looking at property maps when I hear ds say to leave immediately and to never bring any gun into our home again. I was so proud of my hunting, gun owning son.! Our family are hunters and our ds, 20, oftentimes comments about the craze of the world.
God Bless Homeschooling, courageous speaking sons, and the Wisdom of the Lord!
I put my 14 yr old ds in ps this year and REGRET it!! His personality has altered and is very negative and just so unkind. He BEGGED me to go to school for years and I caved and let him go. He is having a very hard time with the tests! Everyone has to do what is best for their family and I really thought this would be best because the deterioration of our relationship, however, it backfired on me! He is even more disrespectful and the other kids he is choosing to hang around are horrible!! I’m talking HORRIBLE! He has been exposed to nudity, explicit lyrics to songs, and girls girls girls who are very aggressive!
My son loves lacrosse and we’ve recently moved back to Florida and it’s just not as popular aside from the high school level. He would be in 8th grade right now. We found a club team for the fall to practice (season is in spring) and had him participate. He is my super social kid who I’ve always worried about in regards to that desire for tons of socializing and our homeschooling. In about sixth grade, he was convinced he’d be happier at school but he could never verbalize why. That passed and maybe this story is why or evidence of his growth.
Anyway, I say all this to say I was sure he’d want to go to school to play this sport because he’s bananas over it. This club team isn’t as well organized or coached as the school teams. But he totally surprised me by telling me about some pretty awful experiences with the boys on this club practice team. He didn’t think school was doing them any favors socially or morally.
I think that there is a tendency for our kids to think “I will love all the friends I make in school!,” but the reality is that school children are having a very different experience growing up than home schooled children. That difference can sometimes really shine through negatively. (I’m sure there are loads of exceptions too.) At some point, I feel like we’ve detoured too far off the path of traditional to ever go back and I feel confident I’d never want us to.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes debate the whole thing in my mind, but all in all I know that this is the best place for him to grow in to his own. I think I can withstand the pressures (if they ever come/again) from my kids about going to school. The advice on here was FANTASTIC about seeing what’s really going on and meeting those needs as best you can. Maybe school isn’t what they’re seeking at all?!
I’m not sure that made any sense. Conveying complicated issues sometimes alludes me on a forum but hth someone!