Sharing the All Day CM seminar with other moms?

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  • easybrizy

    It seems to me like I’ve read that someone has purchased this and then hosted a virtual CM seminar in their home for other moms with the aid of these DVDs. I thought that was a wonderful idea!

    I did realize that perhaps that was not the intention, though. Is this a violation of copyright or something? I was thinking of purchasing the set myself, opening it up to the moms in my homeschool group, and then those who wanted to attend would only have to purchase the additional workbooks. But then, of course, each one of those ladies would be getting the benefit of the DVD without SCM getting the benefit of the price of a DVD seminar or an in-person seminar.


    I hosted an all-day seminar last summer, and it was great! In fact, if you look at the seminar on the SCM site, they even give you advice on hosting your seminar. I pre-purchased books for the ladies and they paid me for them on that day. I made a great lunch and had munchies and water available. I will likely make it an annual event for new-homeschooling moms and veterans who want a refresher. Smile


    I hosted it as a virtual seminar 2 years ago and pre-purchased workbooks for the attendees with the blessing of SCM. It was really wonderful and primed the pump, so to speak. Last year, I hosted a 2 Day Seminar with Sonya in person with 40+ attendees. You’ll find that the entire SCM team is very gracious and while this is their business, they do it because of their love for homeschooling families and are eager to help. I don’t believe you are violating copyright because you aren’t making and distributing copies.

    Mrs. C, I like the idea of an annual refresher event. I’ll have to get that on my calendar for my co-op.


    I hosted one too and had a great response!  I think that it’s encouraged as long as you have people buy the workbooks, which makes the cost so minimal for those partcipating.  Last year when I hosted, I even offered to add other SCM materials to the order so that people could save on shipping and a couple of people took me up on it, with others ordering things after the “party”.  I’m not sure that most of these women had even heard of SCM prior to our workshop, but because of the workshop at least 15 more moms in our area know of them and have at the very least the workshop book in their home library if not more books.  SCM is SUPER generous in the creative ways they allow moms to use their resources.  I’m thankful that I get to OWN the workshop and can watch it anytime I want, but I’m also happy that the whole expense didn’t have to come out of my homeschool budget – I charged each attender for their workbook and shipping/tax, plus a couple of dollars towards the cost of the dvds.  We did a potluck and I supplied drinks, paper goods, and something to eat.  The guests were all SO gracious and happy that I had volunteered to host – it was a GREAT experience – PLUS now I have local moms who are also implementing CM’s wonderful methods via SCM resources!

    Doug Smith

    Yes, we encourage hosting your own seminars because there’s nothing quite like getting together with others. We have a Host Your Own CM Seminar on DVD page with all of the details and tips for hosting a DVD seminar.

    We’ve had to deal with other videos that are expensive or a pain to work out the rights to show to a group so we wanted to make it super easy and affordable. All we ask is that you purchase a seminar notebook for each participant, which you can get on the All-Day Seminar page. When you buy the extra seminar notebooks we also grant you the rights for group showing. That’s all there is to it.



    Found the page with the group info on it!

    Here’s the info!

    I did check the page to see if I could find this information, but I just missed it. This is so great! I’m excited!

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