"Shakespeare and His World" a MOOC class

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  • Monucram

    I found this class at Futurelearn.com and it sounds great! It doesn’t start until Sept. but I’m signed up…and it’s free!


    “How much do we know about Shakespeare’s cultural background and influences and why his works have endured? To get a real sense of how the Bard’s world would have actually looked and felt, renowned Shakespearean academic Professor Jonathan Bate will be exploring the acclaimed collections of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

    Each week, Professor Bate will examine a particular play and a cultural theme alongside a selection of treasures from the Trust’s archives in Stratford-upon-Avon. Weekly learning material will be broken down into six video segments, each examining a variety of artefacts and play extracts. The course will open with an introduction to Shakespeare and his living and working environment, moving onto broader cultural themes and issues examined in his plays and ending with an exploration of his legacy.”


    There are many MOOCs so you might find another with just the one play you and your family will be doing this year.


    What did you think of the class?

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