I can now see the Daily Plan for my son Jed but if I click on anything it says an error occurred and I need to refresh. If I refresh then I lose it all and get the Server Error again. I don’t really use the Plan for Jed. I use it mostly for Christy and Sue so I can’t tell if it is showing what it should or not.
If someone can tell me how to check what version I have, I’d be glad to give you that information, Doug. (Sorry…as I said, I’m computer illiterate.) With having just purchased a Dell computer just a little under a year ago, I don’t believe I would have the version you mention, Doug.
I sure wish I could make this easier for you. 😕 (sorry)
Ok. There is improvement here on my end, Doug, but not perfect yet! I can now load the pages for all my children and see them. I had a son finish a book today, though, so I tried to check it off. What happens is that I click the button for worked on, then click it again for finished, but when I click “next assignment” to check off the next chapter, I get the little orange message about my work not being saved and I need to refresh the browser. Then when I refresh, it locks up for about 20 seconds, then I get the screen I had before–but I’m still on Chapter 1. When I try to “finish” chapter 1 again, then I get the orange message again . . . I’m in a loop. LOL
Sooo–better! But either I’m missing something or I’m doing something wrong or something.
Mine looks almost perfect now. Running slowly, but I’m sure that will improve. One strange thing: a book we finished over a year ago is on our schedule. It’s the only one that’s out of place. Do I delete the resource or just wait it out?
All the issues I reported earlier are resolved – no script errors, etc. Except the issue with the assignment box, or whatever it would be called, not coming up when I click on a resource on my daily plan. That still doesn’t work.
I’m getting the server error as well on the daily planner. When I first logged in I was able to see one student’s daily plan but when I tried to select a different student, I got the error message. I tried logging out and back in again but I still get the same error message. Now I can’t even see the original student’s daily plan that I could see when I first when into the daily planner.
Just wanted to let you know there are troubles on my end, too :0(
Just thought I’d chime in with my errors. I use Firefox, latest version if that matters.
I can see & use individual students, but when I select family, I get a yellow box that says “Error occurred while saving, Please Refresh your browser”. If I refresh it returns to the server error of earlier this evening.
I also have a Kindergarten resource in there and we are in 2nd grade now. I’ll leave it in there.
What I can see it AWESOME though…I know you will get the kinks out soon. Good work all!
I found that if I select All Students or my daughter Abby I get the box with the message “Error occured while saving-Please refresh your browser”. If I select Family or my son’s names, I’m able to view the daily plan.
I wanted to let you know just in case that made any difference. Also we use Internet Explorer (not sure which version).
I am not getting any server error notices, but when I open my daily schedule there are a few subjects that do not open and allow me to check off that we’ve completed them.
I’m still getting the script message when I try to open the Daily Plan on Internet Explorer, so using Opera is the best that I can do. I do prefer Internet Explorer though.