The first time I was on Firefox. Then I switched to Windows Explorer. Your website told me I needed to update to a higher level. We had level 6.0. I updated to Level 8.0. Then I restarted the computer. After I logged onto your website and logged onto the Organizer and asked to go to Daily Plan I got the same Server Error notice again.
Just wanted to keep you informed, Doug — I was able to log onto the organizer, but the same ‘Server Error’ just came up when I tried going into the ‘Scheduler’ tab. I was able to go into ‘Reports’ without a problem, but when attempting to go into ‘Daily Plan’ I received the following message:
(A yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it) “Stop running this script?” (with yes and no response buttons) “A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.”
Are any of you using a satellite Internet service? We’ve had a lot of problems with the satellite providers rewriting our pages before they get to you.
Our internet is through our telephone company. It is the kind that is always on unless we turn off our computer. Yes, I too can get to the organizer page that shows the four tabs at the top. I can use the Bookfinder and the Reports but when I try to open the Scheduler or Daily Plan I get the Server Error again.
I also have the problem opening the Daily Plan that gives the message, “Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.” So I am unable to do anything on the daily plan. Our internet is through our cable service provider.