Selling vintage books on ebay

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  • thepinkballerina

    Anyone have success on ebay and can give some tips on how to sell books on ebay? I have 5 vintage Encyclopedia Brown books, 1 vintage Charlotte’s Web book, and one vintage I Can Read Piggle book I want to sell and saw they can go for $10 each on ebay! I’m watching to see if they actually sell. Wink I bought them at previous library book sales not realizing they were vintage.




    Has anyone sold books on ebay? Sealed This is brand new for me.


    Are there fees?

    Thanks for any tips you may have!


    Yes, there are fees for selling on most online sites, including ebay. Typically there is a listing fee and then a percentage of the sale price. Don’t forget PayPal fees, too. 

    I usually try to sell locally. 


    I am selling books tomorrow at a homeschool booksale but figured people wouldn’t pay $10 or even $5 for a book no matter if it’s vintage or not..Frown 

    Have you sold to local antique dealers before? I wonder if I could get more out of them?

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