SCM Shakespeare Products


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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone: I know next to nothing about Shakespeare, or teaching it for that matter. I see now that SCM has a bundle to help us w this difficult subject to teach. I do have a few questions in selecting products. My questions are: How do I choose which play best suits upper elementary and middle school students? Will younger students (K and 2nd) be interested in this also, or will it be over their heads? It says in the product description, read, listen and watch. What are the recommended versions to be watching… I am sure there are many productions to choose from. (This is not included, correct?) And, lastly, compared to all other SCM products, this seems quite pricey. Just bummed about that….. Thanks for listening. Kelly


    On the Additional Information tab is says Grades: The Taming of the Shrew: 6–12 and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It: 2–12. If the majority of your students are younger, or middle elementary I would not do Taming of the Shrew. I would not expect K-2nd to get a lot out of it, but they might enjoy the conversation and story.

    On the Play Summeries tab you can read about each to sekect which is the best fit.

    It is a bit more than some other SCM resources but it includes so many pieces, to make it very user friendly, it breaks down to not be very expensive for each piece. A guide to walk you through everything, audio CD, as well as the play. It looks like a great set. I am planning on purchasing for next year because I know me, and I would never be able to pull off Shakespeare successfully on my own, with out guidance.


    I just saw the About the Plays summaries…..thank you sarah for that recommendation. I did not know they were based on love stories. We avoid romance-y stories and boy-girl plots at this point. Anyone else avoid such plots and find Shakespeare ok?

    Jordan Smith

    What are the recommended versions to be watching… I am sure there are many productions to choose from. (This is not included, correct?)

    The Shakespeare in Three Steps resources don’t include a production of the play to watch. However, each book does include candid reviews of several movie versions with thoughts on how the film presents the original play and notes on any objectionable content.

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