SCM & Queen HS

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  • Rebekahy

    OK – I’m adopting SCM’s first year pretty straight across the board for a year 1 student (in the fall). I’d love to hear what resources others are using from Queen HS to supplement/enhance SCM’s Curriculum guide. We’re still learning to read fluently here and for that I’ve been using Sing Spell Read Write – the readers are pretty twaddly (sp), but we tried How to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons and it was nothing but frustration (I can see that it’s a great program, but it was just not for my Social butterfly). She is doing SO much better with SSRW. So with that in mind – I’d love to hear suggestions.




    Hi Rebekah

    I just joined the SCM forum but I have been familiar with their products and have even reviewed a few of them for TOS. I joined in the hopes of finding answers to exactly what you have just asked. I have a bit of a plan for the fall with my 2(14yos and 9yod) and would love to hear others who may think it feasible or crazy:)

    I love the look of SCM History/Bible guides and own most of the resources so I am going to go with that. For Language Arts I am going with Queen Learning Language Arts Series, one in Secondary and one in Elementary. They have both used them in the past year and it worked OK. My hesitation with Queen is just the combination of picture study and grammar together with copywork. I know that CM didn’t advise even letting the students see something spelled incorrectly so I don’t like the exercises that have the students ‘correct’ the sentences. I would also love to do picture study independent of Language Arts but I have a crazy life and I like how Sandi Q. has done the best she could to incorporate areas and make a workable program. With the stresses of her family life, it amazes me that she does what she does. I am also going with Queen cursive writing because it is beautiful:) And Words of the Week for my son to increase his vocab.

    I am SO excited to meet you all and see how you are using SCM materials in your homes.



    Hi Heidi – Welcome – I LOVE This forum – it’s still relatively small so it’s really nice because you really get to know some of the posters pretty intimately, yet it’s large enough to get some good feedback.

    I LOVE TOS by the way! I actually gave up my papercrafts subscription for TOS (timewise it’s best for me to only subscribe to ONE magazine), and if you knew me, you’d know that makes TOS rank pretty high on list of important things in life. 🙂

    You’re right, I DON’T know how Sandi Queen does it! Amazing. I like her language lessons because they do incorporate picture study and to be honest, that makes my life easier (we haven’t used them yet). I don’t think I’m going to start with them until we’re done with SSRW, because I don’t want to torture my girls with too much phonics, and I’m not sure they are quite ready for the LL for the Very Young yet.

    I’m wondering about using The Nature Study Idea Book for our first yer to help us get started with Nature study. I was also considering the home and hearth stories for children as a read aloud and having my dd narrate.

    I’m also thinking about Copywork for Little Girls – I know they provide free copy work from SCM which I SO appreciate, but I do so much better with paper books in hand than print outs.

    So excited to have you join us!



    Hi again:)

    Yes, Queen has a great Nature Book called My Nature Journal which I recommend highly! If your girls like to do copywork then I would say go ahead with the Queen copywork but my dd found it a bit frustrating. She didn’t like the topics chosen, the space to write it in was tiny, and she was quite negative about it overall. THEN I found Sandi’s Copywork for Animal Lovers:) What a difference. Same spacing, but the topics were the delight of her heart as she is animal lover through and through, I think she will enjoy doing her copywork. I also used Sandi’s Cursive Handwriting Primer to begin Cursive, it has gorgeous art like the LL books. I also use Queen Spelling rather than SCM Spelling because it is phonetically based, and thats how my kids learned to read. SCM is true to the CM way, but that is sight based, memorizing each word until you can see it ‘with your eyes closed’. It might work for some but not for my brood:) I have 3 older children all graduated already, one married, one half way through Bible School, all homeschooled through high school. CM and Sonya have given me the energy I needed and the focus I was looking for to finish well with the two I still have at home.

    Good Luck:)


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