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  • michelleh

    I have been researching the forum for information on higher level science (actually looking for more living books).  We are currently using Apologia Physical Science.  Through my searching I have noticed a lot of stress about preparing for college science courses and concerns about foregoing the CM way.  I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to share my own college experiences in a science program.  I am an RN, so I have had many a science course, and although I didn’t know it at the time I was using the CM methods for preparing for science exams.  I would read a paragraph, page, whatever… then I would close the book and rewrite it in my own words.  Yes these were textbooks, but I used them in a CM way.  This is the way we are using the Apologia text in our home.  My daughter reads a section assigned to her and then narrates it back.  She also does the labs, and works on any equations/formulas needed (she does not do all of the OYO questions ~ honestly I can’t remember ever doing any of that busy work in my college science courses, but it has been a long time.)  She is learning a tremendous amount and is actually enjoying all of her new found information.  Using the CM methods to learn, even from textbooks, places our children at a much greater advantage than those who are preparing for tests with the read, memorize, forget method 🙂

    Jodie Apple

    Thank you for sharing this.  It was encouraging to me.

    blue j

    Somehow I missed this post the first time round.  I just wanted to thank you for sharing this. 🙂



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