School Planner to use

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  • ebcsmom


    I am looking for a BIG school planner to use, for my three children and planning their days.
    So far I have used different planners for each child, and its getting to where I can’t stand have so much clutter! I am looking for a planner that has big spaces to write in for our daily lesson plans and family lesson plans as well.  I am also wanting something that is Monday through Friday. Do any of you use a specific style or planner that really helps you out? I am a list maker and like to be very organized especially in school. I find myself forgetting to do certain things because I wrote them in my planner and not theirs, so I would love one big enough that I can combine all. Thanks so much and I hope I wasn’t too confusing! LOL

    Lesley Letson

    I love using the CM Organizer here, and I did buy the printed planner from here as well for my regular scheduling (non-school) – so I don’t really use a paper planner for school and I think that is what you are looking for. BUT, I have a few HS friends who like The Well Planned Day – they have several different versions, maybe one of those would work for you.They also have bundle packages that come with a binder. 


    I don’t generally use the planners that way, but a fun site that I like because I can make it fit our whole family needs is  She is a homeschooler herself and has created things to help organize your whole day/life.  I have to admit, I really like the graphics.  They make me want to use my binders.  =)  When I got desperate I made my own sheet using a table format in Microsoft Word.  


    Thank you both so much for those suggestions I will look into them both.

    I LOVE the CM organizer here, but I like having it in hand to see and look at can you print from the CM organizer?




    You can print from the CM organizer and you can add as many students as you like, I even have my name on there for daily/ weekly chores!  I love the CM Organizer!



    So I can type in all their assignments, our family read alouds and things then print to put in a binder as well?



    You can print a daily to-do list of assignments for the family and each student.   My kids use them – there is a box for each assignment for worked on, and finished.  If you say to display assignments not scheduled that day, and open one, it will print on the list like all the others.  If you don’t want to do something one day, uswe thelitle triangle to “close” it, and it isn’t on the to do list at all!  So I love that!


    but, you don’t get order to do it, or times, if that is important to you.



    I like order but not times, I am not that strict on our schedule. The only reason I want an in one scheduler too see in front of me is because I forget things like…Hymn Study, Composer Study, Picture Study, Art and things like that. Am I the only one who finds myself putting those things off or forgetting them? I have a third grader and a first grader, so right now I am at a point where I am like ok just WHAT exactly are we suppose to do daily..weekly?? Our daily things are Math, Copywork, Bible scripture memory,History, and reading.



    I use the Organizer, and the more I use it, the more I like it.  I have only figured out how to make it print for a day (that is all it does I think) so I went into Word and created a table that had 6 columns with soemthing like 25-30 rows.  My first column was used to list Family and all the names of my children (leaving several spaces between each).  Then I labeled the rest of the columns for the days of the week.  I then put in what subjects we were doing for which day in everybody’s spot.  I printed that and used it to help me input my scheduling info in the organizer.  Then I took my nice pretty final copy and laminated it.  I stuck it on my fridge so that I can see at a glance what everyone’s subjects are that day.  It helps them to know what to expect also.  The schedule is for the semester.  Then I print daily assignments from the organizer, which allows us to have that checkoff list.  After everyone is done for the day, I use it to input all the worked on/finished info in the organizer.  I put a red check mark at  the top of the printed page to indicate that I have checked up on it all and then put it in my Records binder under each person’s name.  Then I print the next days assignments and gather up what books and supplies I need for them.  I figure that it satisfies my “need to see it” compulsion and then I have a paper copy for my records.  Using a printed paper also allows my kids to work at their pace as well, and not have to rely on me to tell them what to do next.  It encourages them as they see their list gettting shorter too. 

    The schedule grid makes me feel on top of my daily/weekly plan.  Maybe something like that would help. 

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