Please help. I am a little confused starting my first year. I planned on using the 4 day a week schedule with one day off a week. I read that a term is either 12 weeks or 60 days. 12 weeks would not be 60 days with the 4-day one day off schedule, so if I am calculating this right, I would have to have 15 weeks a term if I choose to do three terms. Is this correct? For anyone else doing this schedule please share how u divide it up through the year. Thanks a lot Amy
We always did 4 days a week. I would just take one day and spread those items out over the other four days. It kinda depends on the guide, but I would either schedule Bible and History on some or all of the days. For guides with one day Bible/geography I would add the Bible/geo on to the other days. For example do geography with one History day and Bible with another history day. It was usually doable. There are also catch up and exam days at the end of each term that help cushion a little. For enrichment I would just spread out one the days over the other four. Lang arts is pretty easy peasy since its only two days. Science depends on the grade I guess, I often would skip reviews or tests or just be ok not finishing the book. Math is a little harder, we were always behind! You could double up a day or finish into the summer.
One of the great benefits of homeschooling is to be able to be flexible with your journey. This includes the area of scheduling. Oftentimes, we did four days a week. And, the fifth day still counted as “school” because we were usually doing field trips on Friday.