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  • Mom2five

    Can someone please share with me your homeschool curriculum(LA and math) and daily schedule


    Do you have a specific grade/age you are inquiring about?


    Yes, grades 3-6


    I have 5 DC, ages 14 to 2.  We’ve been starting about 9:30, with our enrichment/morning basket type subjects.  About 10:30 we get to individual subjects which usually go until lunch time.  After lunch (or before if we move quickly) we fit in science, history, and literature.  We generally save our handicrafts for after lunch as well so we aren’t rushing them.

    My 9yo does a page of MUS and some mental math questions out of Ray’s.  Two days a week she does a Spelling Wisdom/ULW lesson, Cheerful Cursive page 3 days per week, and reads aloud 2 days per week.  She’ll be adding written narrations later this year.

    My 11yo does the same for math, but with Strayer Upton for his mental math.  Spelling Wisdom twice a week, cursive copywork 2-3 days per week, and typing twice a week.  I’ll be aiming for 2-3 written narrations per week.

    They also have daily Latin, but we haven’t started it back up yet.  They also have assigned reading for about 20 minutes, in the morning if they move quickly, in the afternoon if we run out of time.

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