Sailing Alone Around the World question

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  • terrylee66

    We are really struggling with Sailing Alone around the World. It seems very complicated and I am certain we are not getting anything from it. We are doing the Geography map of South America and they are doing great on that. But this book seems very complicated and dry to us? Any suggestions or recommendations?



    I agree with that. Neither I or my children liked the book so I put it away. I decided maybe to just get some other living geography books that were more suitable.


    Some families have enjoyed Stowaway as a substitute. We have it, but have not read it…it’s worth a try.

    Good luck!


    I will see if i can find it at the library, thank you. Any other suggestions? If I have more than one idea it might be easier to find something that suits us.


    We used Stowaway as a substitute (the audiobook, actually) and enjoyed it. 


    We like it well enough, but it does not hold the interest of my 1st graders at all. One thing we are doing is reading an entire chapter at a time.

    Also, I found a FREE audio version at librivox and that made a HUGE difference. The kids will follow along in the novel sometimes, but listening to someone else read it gave it new life for us. I try really hard but I found it hard to read aloud. It is dry at times for sure. We are just in Chapter 6 though. Not sure how far you made it.

    We had to put away Famous Men last year, so I get where you are coming from. Sometimes a book just doens’t work and if you and your DC are getting nothing out of it, it is time to read something else I think too.


    We are enjoying it (boys 5 and 7).  However, I read with voices, excitement in exciting parts, etc. and I edit out confusing lingo, etc. as I read aloud. I also set the timer for 10-15 min max and read aloud while they color their physical map and flag of a country for that week (since they dont write or read well yet, doing this and putting the pages in a binder along with a geopuzzle are what we do for geography, plus look up any places as they come up in reading other things). We also printed out a diagram of the basic parts of a sailboat and will try and learn a few of those, maybe make a model or something at some point.  I basically simplify the main points and don’t worry about this and that person and what ship they were on etc.  Hmm might have to look into Stowaway.

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