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  • LindseyD

    Up to this point, I’ve had a pretty good handle on poetry. We’ve had a lot of fun with the lighter works of Stevenson and Carroll. I try to follow the Curriculum Guide as closely as I can, and I’ve noticed that Christina Rossetti is the selected poet for year 3. Being unfamiliar with her, I found some of her poems today. It’s the kind of stuff I was dreading…(am I allowed to say that??)

    Not that it’s poorly written or anything; I actually think most of it is beautiful. I’m just not sure my 7 and 6yos would enjoy it much, especially since I didn’t really care for a lot of what I read. 

    I don’t want to give up on it just yet, however. If you’ve ever studied (and enjoyed) Christina Rossetti, would you please pass along some helpful hints to me? I’m willing to try just about anything once, so I don’t want to move on to someone else just because my first glance wasn’t so great. Innocent

    Thanks a bunch,


    To be perfectly honest Lindsey, I have some Rossetti books and though the poetry is excellent and beautiful, I find her horribly depressing – so I left her out except for just reading a couple of her pieces. My daughters were not impressed either when we started with her – so I saw no point in wasting precious time – we moved onto other poets that we knew we would enjoy – Wordsworth, Keats, Tennyson, Coleridge, Longfellow, Whittier,Dickinson etc. Poetry has never been my favourite thing either, but we enjoyed a lot from these poets. Linda


    huh. now I am curious. i bought a Roseetti book for $2 remembering that it was on the list. I will have to pull it out now and take a look!


    Not sure where you found poems, but just in case it was not the AO Rossetti page, I’ll PM you the link.  (Though I think you can directly link to AO now….? ?)  Those are from a collection specifically for children, I believe. (?)

    Maybe that will help.



    Just noticed the AO selections come from this link which I know is safe to post.  🙂

    Some of those are gloomy, but some aren’t.  Maybe those will help if you want to study her.



    I am so surprised. She is my dd, 7yo, most favorite poet. We have studied Lewis Carroll and Robert Louis Stevenson but Rossetti is still her fave by far. She likes her poems but also was thrilled when her bio indicated that she became a poet at 7 yo. Dd has been writing poetry ever since. It’s been fun for us.




    When my older boys were younger we use Sing Song a Nursery Rhyme Book by Christina Rossetti.  We did not cover her other stuff until they were much older.  You can find it on google books here


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