Rewriting history :)

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  • 1floridamom

    Not exactly, but as I am setting up the organizer for my purposes I have changed some resources from history to literature (or the other way around). Unfortunately, when I generate a report of work completed it shows things that I thought I had deleted. There doesn’t seem to be any way to change the past. 🙂 For instance, I had added a book as history, we read a chapter, I checked off “finished” and then changed the resource to literature and rescheduled it. A report lists the book completed in both sections (one as a chapter and the other as all of the chapters as scheduled). I would like to remove the first mention on the report. Is that a current or future option?

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, 1floridamom –

    We’re talking and brainstorming about that feature: what it might look like, how it might operate, how you would get to it, what you could do and couldn’t do there, etc. I can see how it would be helpful! For now, why don’t you e-mail me the specifics and I’ll see if our programmer has a minute to go behind the scenes and make that change for you. Obviously, we don’t want to inundate him with requests, but I think this edit would be relatively quick 😉


    That is so nice of you! One teeny question, though…how do I email you privately? I can paste it all here, if that helps.

    Sonya Shafer

    Silly me! (You mean you don’t have my e-mail address memorized? ;-)) If you use the Contact Us link at the top of our main site, it will come to me. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

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