Remembering . . .

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  • pangit

    How do I help my daughter remember?  She seemed to catch on quickly to math and do well, but after a week or two forgets the facts that we had just mastered.  We started Math Facts Now! a few weeks ago.  And, I can’t say it is helping yet.  She just forgets.  And, she is a struggling reader.  We are doing a remediation program for dyslexia this year that has a lot of memorization of words in it and she will get them but then it seems that she forgets.  How can I help her remember?  How do I know that it really is okay to move on and we won’t just have to do it all again?


    For math facts, I recommend Rapid Recall. It is a program geared toward fact mastery and memorization. It has helped both of my kids tremendously.


    Also something to keep in mind if she does have dyslexia, is that it affects math facts too…. these types of memory facts you just got to keep going over and over. 

    With Right Start (which we use) they don’t memorize the math facts but learn strategies…. So that way they can figure it out (and eventually they know them….) – but it is taking a LONG time for my dyslexic son to know them.

    The other thing to keep in mind with a dyslexic with math, is that they will get to a point that they (in general obviously) can do higher level math fairly easily – but have a hard time showing the steps because they just know what the answer is (they don’t necessarily do “steps” like others)


    It is frustrating – we are right there with you.

    Which reading program are you using for the dyslexia?


    suzukimom – we are using  She is making progress, but much slower than I’d like.  She hates doing it, but I think she’d hate anything that has to do with reading, or more truthfully, anything that has to do with school.


    I used their test to evaluate Delta. I’m trying out ‘Dancing Bears’. He doesn’t enjoy it but it is only 10 minutes a day.


    Have you checked into Dianne Crafts materials and suggestions?

    We are starting her Brain Integration Manual next week.  Her materials are some of the best I have read about reaching right-brain learners. 


    I finally read Dianne Crafts materials last Saturday – and ordered DVD about teaching right brained children. She has a whole bunch of YouTube videos (those are what convinced me to devote my day to that site). Her materials are aimed at children with processing disorders, dyslexia, and so many more struggling learners.

    Here are two links. The first is “Understanding and Helping the Struggling Learner”:

    This one is “Teaching the Right Brained Child”:

    I tried a couple of simple techniques this week – adding color to her math lessons, for example – and she said it helped so much that she is highlighting the problems herself and seems to “get it” better.  


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