recommendation for Currclick (or other) cursive copywork?

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  • caedmyn

    Can anyone recommend worthwhile cursive copywork that can be purchased from Currclick?  Or anywhere I guess (haven’t been impressed with Queen’s Copywork though).  I’m looking for something that’s not twaddle and would be interesting to a 6 YO. 


    We LOVE the products from Lighthome Publications.

    We used both of the books in this bundle linked above. One is manuscript, which my kindies (both 6) used last year, and the other is cursive, which my 4th and 5th grade boys used.

    This year, my kindies are using this one:

    One of the best things is these are PDFs, so you can print them again and again. Each of these includes extra pages to color, that are very life-like. I am not into cartoony stuff, and these books definitely are not.

    The books are produced by a HSing family who share our values and faith. I like that as well.

    I also bought this bundle last year, and it is a GREAT VALUE.

    It does not include pages to write directly below the copy examples, but I made our older boys copywork books. They just take the Copywork book, which I had spiral-bound, and choose a verse (or sometimes I give a gentle suggestion). They date their work, so I know it is completed.


    I stand corrected! It does include space to write, but since it is so large of a volume and I had two using it and more who will, I decided to NOT make separate books but to make blank books for our boys to use with the “Being …” copywork.

    Anyway, we continue to use both Lighthome Pub books this year and the “Being …” copywork template as well! Highly recommend both! And the Lighthome books have many other cursive PDFs to choose from … the one I linked is just the one I purchased.


    I’ve used products from and love them. I was looking for copywork using the Handwriting Without Tears font which is hard to find but they have it. They offer other font choices and even take requests. They have a free offer on their website if you sign up for their email. Their copywork is taken from hymns, poems, and classical literature.

    They are also at 

    Doug Smith
    Christine Kaiser

    That’s what we will be using after the summer. I bought 2nd grade DN but they have the copywork in all kind of writing styles and grades.

    Blessings, Christine


    May I politely ask why you haven’t been impressed with Queens Copywork? My daughter is learning cursive and I’m interested in the “Pictures in Cursive” Copywork books by Queens for her Year 1.


    Re. Queens – I personally am not interested in the pictures for picture study. We do that elsewhere. I also did not care for the simplistic sentences like “The dog is brown.” just my 2 cents.


    Christie, what cursive copywork do you prefer? I know you can make your own but I’ve appreciated the thought of having a pre-made copywork option available.


    I like the books by Light Home Publications, the new SCM one on hymns, and I’m looking at some by Master Writer.




    One thing I really like about the LightHome ones is that you can find different ones for different interests.  My youngest did NOT love copywork Laughing but he does love geography.  I got the Light Home cursive capitals package of different countries of the world. If he did his page nicely he got to go online and research the country that day or whatever else he wanted.  He BEGGED to get to his copywork.  🙂  They had animals ones when he was learning printing that he also loved.  It really hit a niche for us and worked so well for him.


    Bookworm this is why the LightHome attracted me in the first place. I found the animal cursive book and knew it would pull my 9YO son in … and it did. I also like that when I had a download issue, the Dunlaps got right back to me. They really have high-quality products and want their customers to be happy.

    I need to check out that geography one you mentioned. I think I’ve seen it, but I’m not so sure now.


    Yes the LHP topics are a hit with us as well.


    Sorry if I repeat a question here… but I’m also looking for a cursive copybook for my Year 1 child. I have not been familiar with so I feel in the dark here. I saw “A-Z Crawly Critters Cursive Penmanship” by LightHome Publications and the “Write from Ancient/Modern/Medieval History Cursive” by Classical Reading and Writing. All these things you just purchase a PDF and print yourself – correct? Is there any way to purchase these as pre-printed/already made copybooks? Since I’ve never heard of this website or these companies I feel like I don’t know which end is up here… 


    No, these are all pdf’s that you can download and print.  And this is actually a good thing, because sometimes my children needed more practice–in which case I just printed more pages. 

    Also, LightHome is right now having a sale–all their singe-item products for $6.50. 

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