Reading help for a 2nd grader

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  • mtnmama

    My soon-to-be second grader learned to read easily in Kindergarten. However (and yes, I am still kicking myself for this) he didn’t really enjoy reading because of some of the harder words in the books that he wanted to read and I got busy with other things and didn’t force him to practice.


    How do I help him get to the next level? We used the Abeka 1st grade readers and liked that they gradually introduced more difficult concepts. Are their 2nd grade readers like that too?


    I guess I never used “readers”. We just used lots of “beginner” books from the library. I think the key is lots of practice at a level that is not difficult for the child, before moving on too quickly. It is easy to frustrate them by trying to move ahead before they have plenty of confidence in their ability – “I can” attitude, vs. “I can’t”. And I feel that is my greatest responsibility to them at that point…to help them establish the belief that they can do it. CM talks a lot about giving them only tasks they can succeed in and not too much to bog them down. Hope that helps.


    My sons are 8yo (rising 3rd graders) and this summer we’re using the Sidwell Friend’s School Summer Reading Lists.  We’re starting with the first grade list since they don’t think of themselves as ‘readers’ yet and we’ll progress through the summer.  I’m using the 4th grade list as read-alouds since I know they won’t get to that level.  (I don’t expect them to be able to read the rising 3rd grade books either.)  Anyway, it is a good list of modern books.  We tend to read the classics here and I don’t have much exposure to the newer books so I appreciate someone else vetting them for me!  (I can’t endorse the whole list necessarily, just the ones we’ve read.  For example I have marked one of the 4th grade books off the list that we won’t read bc it didn’t seem appropriate to me.  But in general I’d think the books were ‘safe’ and high quality.)



    I had trouble with my 2nd grade son learning to read, and one thing that helped him greatly was learning the 100 most frequently used words (& then the next 200).  He was sounding every word out–even words he had read 50 times, like “said”–so he seemed to need to learn those commonly used words, so he could move on.  I just made flashcards and we only had to go through them a few times, and something clicked for him.  Here is a link that has them, but I’m sure there are many:

    Hope it helps!

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