Question for SCM re:composition and lesson plans

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Writing (Copywork & Composition) Question for SCM re:composition and lesson plans

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  • CrystalN

    Hello SCM staff.  You guys are so awesome.  This is the first year I am really digging into the history plans.  My children were younger that last time we used your history studies, so I really sort of glossed over the end of term exams and narration questions.  They were all really still in the tell me what you remember stage.  Now that I have kids in the 4-6 and 7-9 range I am seeing that the exam questions seem to cover different types of writing assignments.  I have been really stressing over composition and how to teach all they will need for college.  I am not a confident writer myself and feel very ill equipped to teach this subject in particular.  My question is this: will using the narration cards and exam questions cover most types of writing.  I see the first history exam question for 10-12 seems to be a compare/contrast question.  Would these questions over the next 4 years give practice in most college writing formats?  Part of my problem is knowing what to teach when.  If I could just use your narration suggestions as prompts to teach something new it would make my life so much easier!  When we get to compare/contrast I could grab whatever reference I have and teach.

    Karen Smith

    You are on the right track! The questions on the Narration Notecards and the exam questions will give your children opportunities to narrate in the different essay styles. Narrations, both oral and written, are compositions. Different types of narrations are introduced at different grade levels. Our Raising the Bar article from our Narration Q&A blog series explains the types of narrations and when they are introduced. You may find more of the articles in the Narration Q&A series helpful, too.

    Our book Your Questions Answered: Narration may also be helpful. It has the entire Narration Q&A series plus more helpful information regarding narration, including example narration questions for each grade level and samples of actual narrations from both modern day students and students from Charlotte Mason’s schools.

    Another resource that may be helpful to you is Know and Tell: The Art of Narration by Karen Glass. Karen Glass explains the mechanics of narrations, including how to “polish” them into more standard essay forms. She also includes samples of narrations from modern day students.

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