I’d like to order the Middle Ages for our history. Would I order Enrichment Studies 1 or 2? Or does it matter? From there how would I know what else to order from SCM like, which poetry book. or which Shakespeare play? I feel so lost without being able to call and ask someone.
If you go to Build Your Own Curriculum and scroll down you will come to Enrichment Ideas Year 1, 2 and so on. There are published Enrichment Lessons Volume 1 and 2 to go with these and SCM is still working on Volume 3. If you click on Ideas for each year you will find all of the suggested books and materials that go with Volume 1 or 2. They don’t match up with the Bible/History/Geography so if you plan to do Middle Ages you will be fine. The nice thing (if you decide to go with Volume 1 or 2) is that there are 180 lessons divided into 3 terms just like the Bible/History/Geography guides so it helps to be sure you are getting the feast without being too overwhelming. Also, it is fine to substitute or skip things to make it friendly for your own family. The first year it took us the whole year to get through The Pilgrim’s Progress (literature read-aloud), for instance. Enjoy!
You can choose either of the two available Enrichment Studies lesson plans books. You do not need to match your enrichment studies with a time period. For some time periods that would not be possible. Keeping a Book of Centuries will help your children make the connections on their own with who lived at the same time as certain events and people in history.
If you download the free sample for one of the Enrichment Studies books, you will find two lists of the resources you will need for one year of lessons. The first list specifies which artists, composers, poet, etc. to get. The second list gives suggestions for where to get the resources needed.
Thank you Karen and Melissa! So, I buy history, Enrichment Studies, Individual Studies, Book of Centuries. Is there anything else that you guys would recommend that I purchase?
If you are using SCM for Middle Ages and plan to use the Visits to… books for geography make sure to see what goes along with that–I believe that Material World and Hungry Planet are used for all of the Visits to… books.
In Build Your Own Curriculum scroll down underneath Enrichment Year Ideas and you will see Individual Studies with grade-level suggestions. There you can see what is recommended for each grade level. Using Language Well and Spelling Wisdom are used together.