Queens Language Lessons

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  • Heather

    I am a bit of a late-comer when it comes to discovering Queens homeschool, but thanks to you all I’ve spent quite alot of time browsing over there lately.  I am curious about these language lessons.  It seems like my 4th grader would fit in the Elementary child 1 group…still trying to see where my rising 1st grader might fit since he will still be learning to read in the fall and he hasn’t done any handwriting yet.  Does anyone have experience with these Language Lessons?  Do you recommend them?

    Also, is there enough copywork that a separate copywork book is not needed?



    I can recommend them! I like that they are all inclusive such that when times are busy they are still getting those things which so easily fall off the schedule, in our home anyway, (picture study, creative writing, poetry). I am also using Delightful Reading and really prefer that over the Queens, but I also like to use more than one thing for reading and so this is a reinforcer. I would not like to depend on this alone for reading because there is not daily instruction. I don’t like the binding of the book because it makes copying into it difficult. Sitting here, I cannot remember if the youngest books have a middle line for writing, but I know that my 6th grader could still use that and it is not there in his book. I do like the way grammar is taught. I think that there is plenty of copywork. I like that most of the lessons are so short that my children ask for another one and so we feel good about being ahead, rather than the alternative of feeling like we are behind if we don’t complete a lesson each day. 




    Experimenting – my post did not show up and so I’m typing another reply.

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