Progress Report Edits

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  • laurensheridan11

    I had scheduled the Individual Studies Grade 1 on our CM Organizer schedule as well as individually scheduled the subjects we are doing within that handbook. I later felt that it was redundant and repetitive so I deleted the Individual Studies Grade 1 resource from our schedule to simplify things a bit. However, it still shows up on the progress report and it irks me because I can’t figure out how to delete it so it doesn’t show up there. I realize I’m being finicky but I was wondering if there is any way to delete it so it does not appear on the progress report…thank you.

    Jordan Smith

    The progress report shows any work that you marked either worked on or finished while the resource was scheduled. Right now there is not a way to remove that work or edit your progress reports. We know that’s a feature many people would like and it’s on our list of ideas to consider adding in the future.

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