ProClick advice


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  • RobinP

    Just ordered mine! 🙂 Plus I had a bunch of reward points from my Amazon card so it cost me very little. Wish I could order from my affiliate link on my website and support my library at the same time. 🙂


    Thanks for your patience, Ladies. I can tell I’m doing too many things at once. You’ve answered my questions more than once. ;0)

    I looked at spirals at Office Depot this afternoon. The actual binders that were available in store were over $140 to over $200!

    I’m sold on the idea. Have found many ways to utilize it. Now I’m planning to bring it to the budget meeting. We’ll see how that goes. I can actually see using it for home, studies, business, and our co-op and library.

    Thanks for discussing it. Thanks for your inspirational video, Christie.


    Can spines larger than 5/8″ be purchased? Is so, where?


    Can’t speak to sizes, but I order spines from

    CM mom

    I bought proclick “machine” at Office Depot using a coupon several years ago. I usually buy the small & medium spines from Amazon prime in the 25 packs. I believe Amazon calls them 45 page & 85 page. sells the large size spines (125 page, I believe) or 5/8ths” for the unheard of price of $5 for the pack of 25! It’s item #25156692. That seems to be the cheapest way to do it IMHO. I’d love to have prettier colors, but I make do with the cheapest. I recently ordered all three sizes of spines in preparation for the uncoming school year. We call it “zipping” and zip just about everything. This year I also bought reinforced lined filler paper, as I think the reinforced will stay in the spines a bit better than the regular cheap filler paper. I’ve been using the proclick for about 3 years, and wish I’d bought it sooner. Our older two are in college & grad school, so I only have one little homeschooler left in 9th grade.


    Awesome help! Thanks


    Purchased P50 at local Office Depot. $56.99+tax. 🙂


    This might be a stupid question, but what kind of covers are you using? I’ve laminated cardstock and used that but it is not very stiff (maybe I need thicker lamination?)

    And I would be interested if someone was placing an order for spirals. I don’t need 100, LOL!  I already have 5/8″ spines, so anything bigger than that in any color. I like clear but I really don’t care one way or the other.  I guess I could pay my share through paypal to the orderer. PM me if anyone is interested.


    Hi all….can one of you experienced Pro-Clickers answer something else for me?  I’ve only seen the pro click briefly online and the videos were not clear on my screen for some reason.  I’m having trouble visualizing/understanding whether the ONLY spine you can use with pro-click is their zipped pro-click spines (in different sizes), or whether the same machine allows you to do a true spiral bound (and whether the reason why you all use the pro click binding is because use of spiral is a major cost difference?).  Also, I’m not sure I’m picturing the pro-click binding exactly or properly….it is basically a “comb” style but higher end and better quality?

    My experience with the comb style is that my boys seem to feel a constant invitation to pick at the “comb” !   (they’re better about it now than they used to be, but I think I’d still prefer the non-negotiable sturdiness of a true spiral)

    Any thoughts or suggestions? 


    Angela, I use covers from Office Depot.

    Angelina, I use the spines that allow me to add/delete pages over time.  Alas, my 14yos does tend to open/close the spiral from time to time.  Nothing like he’d do with comb binding, but he’s also undone spiral notebooks, so I’m not sure that problem would be completely solved for those with fidgety hands.  Frown

    Thanks for bringing this thread back up again.  I need to gather my thoughts on how I will set up the kids’ plans for the next year soon.  We’re not very far into Term 2, but I know they will have their own binders next year versus just referring to mine.  I need to revisit Christie’s blog and all the pages I’ve printed out from CMH.  The narrowing down process can take forever for me.  Wink  The sooner I get started, the better.




    Angela – I use the clear covers meant for binding from the Office place, and the plastic/leather-look backers. Obviously if you want something hardcover, you are going to need hardcover thickness. The gen. covers make it more like a paperback.

    Angelina – With the spines, I only ever used the proclick spines, because thats the reason I got it (rofl) I’m also not very fond of spiral binding, its too flexible, like my Teaching Textbooks book looks like a wave, and is probably warping the pages, also, opening and closing the cardbaord covers on them tend to mean they start to wear and the whole lot of papers fall apart. But I’m picky with spines, so the pro-clicks are the first ones I have liked. A LOT of people seem to use spirals, because the cost is cheaper, I’ll just double check the ratio.

    Okay so its supposed to be a 3:1 ratio for the spiral, but someone has used a 4:1 and it worked fine.


    I have enjoyed reading this discussion on Pro Click. I keep reading about a video courtesy of Christie, but I can’t seem to find the link. Would someone repost it for me please? I have been talking to my husband about this and would love to show it to him.


    I think the video that we watched was about her planners for the year for each child – she uses the ProClick to add a couple of things as needed through out the year. Here is the post that has the video explaining her planner at the end of it:





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