Printing More Than One Day At A Time

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  • Jamie


    I’m looking to use the CM Organizer, but I have a question before I commit. Is it possible to print more than one days’ assignments at a time? The way I am, I know I could not be consistent in printing each child’s each morning, and would like to print a week or so’s worth at a time. Then when they complete those lists, I could log on and update it all for what they actually did.


    Sonya Shafer

    Currently the Organizer allows you to print only one day at a time, because if you don’t do something scheduled for today or do more than was scheduled for today, tomorrow’s plan (and the rest of the week’s plan) would become incorrect.

    What I like to do is make a quick chart that says which Subjects each child does each day. I post that chart where everybody can see it, and they just pick up where they left off in those Subjects’ books. If they have a question about what to do, I have the Organizer open on my computer screen and they can take a look and/or check off their work on the screen.

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