Prayer Request

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  • I know you ladies are prayer warriors so I thought I would ask if you could keep my dh Pat in your prayers.  I know we are all probably praying for the people in Haiti, so could you add my dh to those prayers.  He is part of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Urban Search and Rescue Team and was called on Tuesday night to be deployed to Haiti.

    I got an email from the department tonight saying that they did land safely early this morning and that was all.  

    Please pray for his safety, emotional well being for all the trauma he has to see and deal with, physical strength to endure the hard conditions of work, weather (it is in the 90s), and lack of sleep, and that he could be a shining light for Jesus to a people who so desperately need Him.

    Thank you & God bless you all,



    Yes our family will keep your dh in our prayers.  And your family as he is gone.




    Danielle, your husband and family will be in my family’s prayer’s. 

      God Bless!  -Miranda

    Keeping you all in our prayers, God bless your husband and all the people who are bringing aid to the island of Haiti – may they all stay safe and rescue many people.  I pray you will keep strong on the homefront as well. 



    Praying for his safety and the people of Haiti.  Praying for peace and joy for you and your home while he’s gone.




    Already in my prayers, such a terrible thing but we are so blessed to have dh’s like yours!  Misty


    I second what Misty wrote. The news from Haiti is so distressing, but I am grateful for people like your DH. Your family will be in my prayers.


    I will pray for your husband’s safety and also his emotional well being. I’ve been to Haiti and it is a tough place (spiritually, physically, and emotionally) in the best of times, I can only imagine how much more difficult it is now.




    hi Danielle,  I was just wondering how you are doing and if your Husband is home or if you have heard any news from him?

      Praying for God’s best for him and your family!


    Hi Danielle,

    I just saw this chain on the forum. I hope your husband is doing well.

    Heavenly Father,

    Wherever Danielle’s husband is right now, would You please continue to watch over him and protect him? God, I ask that You encamp Your angels roundabout him to guard his every step. May the ground he walks on be blessed, and may people see Your light wherever he goes. I pray that You would bring him home soon, and in the meantime, that You keep Danielle and her four children safe and sound. Comfort them as they deal with Daddy and Husband being away, and bring them peace when doubt starts to creep in. Thank you for men like Danielle’s husband. I pray You bless their whole family. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



    Thank you all for all your prayers!!!

    I haven’t checked the forum in a couple of weeks because I was glued to the news on the internet (we don’t have cable TV) instead.  Smile  My wonderful husband arrived home safely Thursday night (gone 16 days) and we were overjoyed with thankfulness to God for bringing him home safely.  He is doing great-physically & emotionally-Praise the Lord!  About 15 of the 72 team members started doing a Bible study while they were in Haiti when they had some time and weren’t exhausted from rescues throughout the day.  His team was blessed to be able to save 9 people, one being Jeanette, a 50 year old woman who they found by hearing her calling out “Jesus” and when they brought her out of the hole, she was singing praises to God with her husband.  

    What an amazing experience!  I was so emotional while he was gone since we only were able to talk on the phone 2 times for short phone calls.  We started texting briefly a week before he came home.  My learning lesson through all this was to appreciate my husband more and not take him for granted.  We get into the routines of life and sometimes forget what wonderful godly men we are blessed to be married to.  I am so humbled by the gift God has given me in my husband!  

    Also, it has given me a new appreciation & compassion for military wives.  I know some of you here are military wives and I just wanted to say “Thank You” for your sacrifice of not always having your husband with you because he is serving out great country!

    Thank you again and God bless you all!



    Danielle,  I am so happy for you that your husband is safely home – also that he and his collegues managed to be uplifted with Bible study while in Haiti.  What a blessing for him to have been involved in saving lives – knowing he could help in some way.  Thank him for us, we all wish we could do more, but at times like this, the professionals need to do the work, at least in the initial stages.  As a young wife many years ago I learned to appreciate my husband and not to take him for granted, when he was often deployed or away on military missions.  As a pilot he was often gone, and often I had no idea where he was or how long he would be gone.  In those days there was little contact, no internet, skype or phone calls, just an occasional call from a military phone, when he was near one, and then just a couple of minutes.  We are still a military family, but the last couple of years he has been flying a desk and been home – I am grateful for that, and when I find myself wandering into the “taking him for granted” mode, I remember all those days he was gone and stop myself being that way.  My husband retires in a few months and takes on a new job as a civilian working for the military – he will travel a lot in that new job – but we are blessed he has a job, and I am grateful – I second what you say Danielle, to all those wives of military service men, God bless you, hang in there and know he is doing a wonderful thing for this country, remember what a blessing you have in your husband – and hard as it can be sometimes, especially in the military lifestyle, love him always, be there for him, and understand his trials – don’t take him for granted.

    Danielle, enjoy your husband now he is home, make some special family memories – God bless him, and you for all that you are. Linda

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