Prayer request

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  • treasuredkids

    Hello ladies, 

    I would like to ask for prayer and any advice you may have. I so appreciate the godly wisdom and support evidenced in your replies so frequently.

    My husband and I are expecting our fourth child in March’15. We are very thrilled!! Our other kiddos are 5,3 and 1. We both don’t have our families nearby and our friends (2-3 families) are in the same season as us..raising little ones. The children have had some changes in their sleep schedule recently- teething, allergies, etc which results in less sleep for all. We are trying to get everyone back on track.

    We are experiencing exhaustion and loneliness. I am 14 weeks along and still quite fatigued, which is unusual for me at this stage. I am finding myself teary and emotional and I know I am stressing over small, probably inconsequential things. 

    My husband and I truly feel called to the life we are leading with our number of children-but we are both from families with 2 children each. We know the Lord’s calling for us-but we find that if we are tired/exhausted- it is hard to openly share since we feel like “it was our choice” and we shouldn’t be talking about circumstances we brought on ourselves.

    On the positive side-our children are truly flourishing- which brings us great joy. They are loving toward each other and us, love the Lord and we see them grow in character and good habits. We have a lot of fun as a family.

    Please pray for me- to hear the Lord clearly, to feel His peace in the midst of this, to find help and support as we need and to know truly what is realistic in this season.

    Also, for those of you that have four or more children- are there things you do/did around the house/organization/meals, etc that really made a difference in the overall atmosphere of your home? Did you feel that there were things that got much harder to do-hence you had to have a different strategy-once you got to 3-4 children?

    Thank you all for taking time to read this long post! 




    Dear treasures kids

    I can pray with you:

    Our Heavenly Father, we pray for this dear mama who is in the throws of this special assignment you have given her to be with child. We are reminded of the many bodily changes occurring at this time, some pleasant and some we would rather have behind us. But nonetheless we dare not hinder your grace upon us as we conform more and more to your image. Release a great measure of wellness upon her body, sustain her soul with that assurance that you who began a good work in her will bring it to completion , bring a refreshing upon her household that they will walk surefooted in the way you open to them , and as they inhale the sweet savour of your presence they will be renewed for your glory!



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