Prayer Request

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  • Hi ladies, my daughter who has been so ill has now developed a side effect to a medication she has been given.  We do not know yet if it is permanent – but she has developed terrible tremors in her hands, to the point where she cannot write or type without great difficulty.  She has had to stop the medication and can now no longer keep any food down – it is very worrying – (I know we are not supposed to worry).  She is just 18 and her favorite things to do are write, draw and ride horses, all of which are badly affected by this new development.  We are waiting to see a neurologist, but they think it is medication caused.  She has been in hospital four times since last November and lost so much weight because of a stomach disorder – the anti nausea medicine meant she could eat fine, but now she has had to stop the pill she cannot eat – there are no other things they can offer us to help her at this stage. We have tried ginger and some homeopathic things but nothing is working.  I am trying to be positive, but watching your child suffer is awful.  Any prayers would be appreciated.  Thanks so much – Linda



    I lift up this precious child and her family to You. You are our Healer, and by faith, I believe it is never Your will for any of your children to be sick. In the name of Jesus, I speak healing over Linda’s daughter. I ask that Your healing power would touch her body in the exact spot that is causing so much pain and suffering. Your Word says that by Jesus’ stripes we are healed, and I speak that promise over Linda’s daughter. Lord, I ask that you would be merciful to Linda and her family. I pray grace and peace for all of them as they lean on You for their needs. Thank You for your promises of healing and wholeness. I praise you in advance for the work You are doing in Linda’s daughter’s body right now, in Jesus’ name, Amen.


    Oh Linda,

    My heart and prayers go out to you.  We will be praying. 



    My heart goes out to your daughter and you.  It is so hard to see your child suffer.  I completely understand as we have been there with our son.  I will be praying for your daughter and your family. 

    My son has a familial tremor (his hands shake, and are much worse when he is under stress or his stomach is bad.  He has Celiacs and other stomach/digestive issues.  It also makes it difficult for him to write or handle small objects.  Eating can be hard for him also.)  We try to get him to swallow (he’s still having a hard time swalling pills, he is only 7 yrs) Lecithin.  Lecithin can help with tremors.  I also have the familial tremor and it helps with mine.  I don’t know if that is something you would be able to try with her or not.  It was recommended by our pediatrician for our son. 

    I pray for healing and peace for you both.

    In Christ’s love,


    Thanks ladies, your comments have brought tears to my eyes, it is nice not to feel so alone.  Lindsey thanks for that heartfelt prayer, Tanya thanks also.  Carrie, thanks for your insight I will check out the Lecithin, and ask if we can try it.  My daughter has never been able to swallow pills, to this day she can’t everything has to be liquid if it is medicine.  She has only managed to take in about 400 calories over the last 2 days, and she only weighs 109 lbs to start with.  In December she was down to 101 lbs on a 5ft 6 frame!  They then gave her the nausea medicine, and she ate and gained weight fine, now she cannot take the meds and I know the weight will just fall off her again.  I am also wondering how to get her school going, she is in her last year and a half and needs her essays and research paper work  – the other things we can accomplish with oral narrations and things like that – it is a worry.  I feel quite exhausted, so your uplifting remarks mean a tremendous amount.  If anyone has any ideas on the school part or anything else, comments will be most welcome and appreciated.  God bless you all – Linda

    Linda… I have with my son at times broke open the lecithin and gave it to him mixed in something.  If it is okay with her doctor maybe you could try it that way.

    For schooling.  Could you have her use a personal recorder for her essays/research?  Then maybe you could type them out for her.  Isn’t there also software out there where she could again speak into it and it would type out what she is saying?  Might be expensive though…  so maybe just go with having her record onto a mini recorder and you or your other daughter typing it for her.


    Dragon software does the talk and type option, it may be an option if we need it.  I have read mixed reviews as to how accurate it is.  I could certainly type for her, I am just trying to find ways to make her less helpless, right now she is so frustrated and all her passions are on hold, which make it worse.  It took her 30 minutes to type a couple of sentences this morning, and it was tiring for her as well.  A personal recorder would work I imagine, I will put the idea to her and see what she thinks.  Do you use lecithin capsules, I used to get granules in England, I will have to look and see if they are available here.  Again many thanks for the ideas.


    Oh, Linda, I wish I could give you a hug in person.  Please know I will be lifting you, your daughter and family up to our Lord!  Please keep us updated with how we can continue to pray for all of you. 



    Linda.. I do use the capsules.  I use Shaklee products, which I love (and distribute them).  I’m not sure about the granules, that would be a good idea though to see if they are available. 

    It is so difficult when your children struggle.  When our son was an infant he was put on Reglan for his stomach.  It was awful, it made his tremor so much worse.  His whole body would shake, similar to a seizure.  But it kept the food in his stomach.  We finally took him off of it though, he seemed so lifeless most of the time while on it.  And the tremors were just terrible.  We tried the Reglan again when he was a bit older and had the same problems.  So again decided to not use the medicine.  He really struggled without it.  But it seemed that the side effects were much worse than what he was going through.  And we didn’t know what the long term effects would be (from being on the Reglan).  It has been a battle for years now, in dealing with his physical ailments.  But we just keep trusting in God.  Knowing that it is all for a purpose.

    My son did ask me the other night why God made his this way.  Why did God make him so he can’t eat gluten, and that his stomach hurts most of the time, and that his bum hurts a lot.  All I could tell him was that God has made all of us different.  God made him this way for a reason.  And that he will grow stronger in spirit because of it.  I reminded him of Job and Paul and all they went through, yet continued to praise God.  To give glory to God through their trials and pains.  I told him that good has come and will continue to come because of the pain that he goes through.  What a wonderful testimony he already has of God’s glory and work through him. 

    But still it’s hard to look into those big blue eyes and see the pain and hurt when he’s struggling and having a tough day.  When his stomach hurts, and his bum really hurts and he is just crying.  I just want to wrap my arms around him and make it all go away.  I’m sure you feel the same Linda. 

    It’s those times when we really need to get on our knees and thank God for all his goodness.  Pray with our children and be reminded of what Jesus went through for us.  We can go through this for Him.

    Again my prayers are with you.


    Sonya Shafer

    Oh, Linda, how hard it is to watch our children suffer. And our Heavenly Father knows what it is like, for His Son suffered so much. I’m praying that God’s peace will enfold your hearts like a blanket and will guard your mind from futile imagining about the future. It’s especially difficult when this trial comes just when you thought you had turned a corner and were finally making progress. We join with you in asking God to give His wisdom to you and His loving and right perspective to your precious daughter. I pray that neither of you would believe any lies, but that all lies would be exposed by God’s unchanging truth. And I pray that your faith would grow by leaps and bounds as you walk through the days ahead holding tightly to our Savior’s nail-scarred hands. Please keep us informed.

    Carrie thanks for all the information, I really appreciate it and my heart goes out to your little one as well – it is so hard to see our children with these challenges.  Thank you Sonya for your encouragement and kind words, sometimes a few kind words make things seem a whole lot better.  We saw one of my daughter’s doctors last night and he said he cannot be 100% certain but he thinks eventually the tremors will subside – it would be unusual for them to be permanent.  However he said it could take some time months even – so we will need to be very patient.  In regards to medication, there is nothing else, so eating will be a real challenge, and he has given us some tips, but she will doubtless lose weight while we try and get things right – she is to eat only very small amounts and we have to hope her stomach will start accepting food and not have the urge to reject it.  She does not have a lot of strength right now, though it was returning – so we are having some special high calorie drinks that she might be able to keep down if we are fortunate.  The doctor says this could be a long and frustrating process as well, so again we have to try and keep our eye on the end result and stay positive.  My main prayer is that she can stay well nourished enough to stay out of the hospital.  She had a surgery in November and her stomach has rejected food since then, she apparently has a stomach that now contracts too much and the muscles are tense and that is part of the problem, so we have to keep all meals super very small and find ways to relax the stomach natually – easier said than done.  Thanks ladies, you have lifted me up and my daughter was very touched to think that people she does not know are praying for her – it all helps so THANK YOU and BLESS YOU ALL.  I will let you know how it goes.  We will keep our eyes firmly on God  – at least we will try – know that He is the Great Healer.


    Linda, I am very sorry about your daughter and will indeed pray for her.  I don’t know much about what she is dealing with but you might try bone broths.  They are very healing and relaxing to the stomach as well as nourishing.  Can she drink smoothies?  If she can you can load them up with all sorts of fruits and vegetables, yogurt and kefir, maybe the lecithin and whatever other vitamin and mineral powders you need and she can sip it slowly throughout the day.  Your stomach doesn’t need to do much digesting of smoothies so they pass into the intestines faster (or at least that’s what Dr. Sears says in his new book).  FIsh oil might relax the stomach and peppermint might help too.




    My prayers are with you.  We struggle with a son who has mercury posioning which also causes, gluten free diet, and things will trigger symtoms.  God knows what he is doing and sometimes I just have to remindmy self of that information and hold strong to it.

    God bless you and know you are not alone.  Misty

    Thanks again ladies, she has tried smoothies and broth but at this stage seem too rich in the quantity needed to get the calories.  However, small amounts are what we are trying to give her, though her intake yesterday was only about 480 calories total!!  She is trying so hard because she wants to ride again – we don’t own a horse, but she has dressage lessons, her trainer says she is super talented and has a real affinity with the horses; she has not been able to have a lesson since her surgery.  Her whole focus has been on horses, classical dressage and equine science and she was planning on doing that for her job, so she is very sad – but that makes her motivation high to try and eat – that is another reason it is hard to see – she tries so hard and her stomach will not at this stage cooperate. We will persevere with the smoothies and lecithin and also try little bits of solid food each day – thanks so much for the tips and prayers.  Linda

    Betty Dickerson


    I’m so very sorry.  I will keep your daughter in our prayers.  So this sounds like a functional problem?  I was going to suggest going off grains and sugar and upping probiotics (like homemade yogurt) which will repopulate her stomach with good flora, but I’m not sure if that is the issue.  Rooibos and chammomile are anti-spasmodic herbs/teas that may be helpful.  What about Zofran?  Have your tried that or Phenergan?  Those meds help alot with nausea and reflux and other GI issues.  Magnesium is good to take when having issues with contracting muscles–it relaxes the muscles. 

    I’m just picking my brain for things that may be helpful.  May the Lord bless you and keep you both.  Sending hugs and prayers.

    Blessings, Betty

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