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  • meagan

    Hi ladies.  Our family could really use some prayer right now.  We just found out that our vehicle (which we still owe a lot of money on) is about to die.  Our mechanic has told us that it will cost more to fix than is worth.  We just don’t know what to do.  We are financially in trouble right now.  I am beyond thankful that my husband still has a job in this economy, I know many families in worse situations than we are, but I just don’t know what to do.  We are already behind on our car payements, I have student loan bills that have just started coming in, along with our other bills and expenses.  There is just not enough money to cover all the bases.  To top things off, my three precious step-sons only live with us half the year, and their mother is supposed to be giving us the child support payements she is recieving directly out of my husbands paycheck for the months that they are here.  And as of right now we have seen very little of it.  I’m scared of the future, but I am still trying to trust in God.  And I want nothing more than our children to remain unaffected by our financial situation.  I don’t want them to worry.  I don’t know how much information is too much to give them, if any at all.  I would love your prayers, and advice if any of you who have walked this path before.

    Thank you.

    Lesley Letson


    I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I know that money troubles can be down right debilitating sometimes. I can’t say that we have been in as much of a tight as you describe but we have always had to live on a tight budget. Are you familiar with Dave Ramsey? We have learned a TON from his information and it has really helped us get a hold of our finances. We have also seen several friends and families come out of some bad financial situations by following his advice. His Financial Peace classes are taught at a lot of churches I think you can look on his website and maybe find one. We read his book The Total Money Makeover and it is a good concise explanation of his financial advice. I highly recommend him. I hope you get clarity and wisdom in your decisions. And as hard as it seems try to remember that the dollar doesn’t rule – you can rule your dollars 🙂


    Sonya Shafer

    Oh, Meagan, my heart goes out to you. During some recent years we didn’t know how we were going to make ends meet. It seemed like each year our income was cut in half, and when we thought it couldn’t get much lower, it would be cut in half again. At the end of each year we would look over what had happened and, on paper, we shouldn’t made it through; yet the Lord was faithful to provide and we had made it through.

    I hope this word will encourage you. God is faithful, and He will not forsake you. This is going to be a wonderful opportunity to grow in your faith and for your children to see how God provides. I agree that children should not have to bear the burden of all the potentially worrisome details. But you can still offer general statements that will let them know why some things may be changing (not eating out, fewer gifts, or whatever), and you can share with them the ways that God is providing as you see those answers to prayer and even His provision for things that you hadn’t prayed about. 

    If you’re like me, financial matters are my “worry trigger.” In some ways I wish I had presented a stronger “face” to my children during the especially difficult days. In other ways I suppose it was good for them to see a fellow believer working through hard trust issues. But if you can, as much as you can, cast those cares upon the Lord and model a trusting heart in front of your children. They need to know enough to understand why God’s answers to prayers are so wonderful, but not enough to be called upon to share in the adult-size burdens.

    Praying for you even now, Meagan. And I can testify that God does not give us more than we can bear. Sometimes it seems like it, but that truth has been proven over and over for me. I’m sure He will prove faithful to you too.

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