Prairie Primer

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  • momof3

    Not sure if this is an okay place to post this.  I just stumbled upon The Prairie Primer curriculum.  It goes along with The Little House series and teaches all subjects that revolve around the series.  Does anyone know anything at all about this?  It looks very interesting and we were going to be reading some of these this year anyway.  I would really love some opinions.


    I have the Prairie Primer. It offers lots of activities and info for each book in the series.

    It starts with a few pages with background into or some sort of focus for the book. For example, the Big Woods book mentions a lot about foods that were eaten and how they were prepared, so there is a focus on nutrition. In the next book, there is Background info about the Osage Indian tribe.

    Then there is a planning guide for each week that gives a supply list, suggested field trips, and suggested videos. There is plenty to choose from, so you probably wouldn’t do everything, then there is a day by day guide with questions for comprehension of the reading and activities by subject (literature, science, writing, Bible, manners, etc).

    I felt that it was friendly for boys or girls. I know some people worry that it would be more geared to girls, but I have 2 sons and 1 daughter and didn’t find that to be a problem.

    I actually just set my copy aside to put up for sale, so if you you decide to buy it, you’re welcome to PM me if you want a used copy. It has some highlighting and underlining in the first unit because I also bought it used. It is in perfect physical condition. I’ll sell it for $15 including shipping (if you’re in the US). I also have the Little House Cookbook and Laura Ingalls Wilder Country, which I’ll be selling. I could throw those in for $5 each.


    I just pm’d you. Thanks!

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