post your school name


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  • suzukimom

    crazy4boys – I think that is so funny!   We don’t have to put any school name on our forms… but I wonder.  lol.


    LOL @ Bookworm, Sue, and Crazy4boys…  I like all the names above.

    My dh suggested that since all my girls and I share initials we could call it  ” __. __. Girls Academy” – it’s kinda catchy, but I am not sure. I love the scenic, outdoorsy ones, but wanted one that was meaningful to us as well. 


    I chose “Homelearning” b/c I wanted to avoid the word school, but I’m thining I could add somethng like “Academy” or ???something?

    CandL Homelearning Academy?

    Hmmm …


    So far we have all boys, I’m thinking the FamilyName Academy for boys is cool.


    We started by listing a bunch of keywords for idea stimulation. The kids favorite seems to be Streams to Rivers ________. Any thoughts on that?? Isn’t there a book with that as part of the title? Is that ok? We have some friends that have Acorns to Oaks Academy for their name and we all like that…so were using that for a springboard b/c we like the idea of growth suggested in the name. All ideas welcome if something strikes you as a possibility.

    Another possibility we considered is using our farm name – Aspen Springs – but we’ve moved away from the farm and are selling it now. So, maybe not so appropriate anymore.


    Streams in the Desert is a devo book. I don’t think that is like your idea though at all, and even if it was, I don’t see why you couldn’t use it for a personal school name. I like Streams to Rivers!

    Mrs P.

    More people share, please. Our home state requires I register our homeschool as a private school and I will never be able to change it so long as we are ever educating in this state. I am feeling under pressure. Tongue out I have until February to make a decision.


    FamilyName Learning Adventures sounds fun, too, but my boys might not like that on their diploma.

    I have a friend who runs a Christian school in Peru. It’s the Christian School of the Andes. If you live near a Mt. Range or some other geographical marker (Ocean, Great Lakes, dessert) you could use that. Rocky Mountain Boys’ Academy or Smith Learning Center of the Sierra’s….something like that would be cool.


    Thanks for starting this conversation!  I love reading some of these names.  We do not have to register as a private school, but I like the idea of having a name, as do my boys.  A geographically related name sounds like a good idea, something not quickly grown out of.  A surname works to, though may not be creatve enough for some.  I think I’d like something in the middle.  I want it to sound official, not too serious but not like a playschool or kindergarten, either.  It’s got to sound like a respectable place, and be something our kids would be proud to see on their diploma and transcripts.  I also prefer not to use “school” in the name, by academy works, or Education Center (stoled that from the local high school).  There are far too many options.  We have boys, so I’d like it to sound masculine…


    My children love the picture book Roxaboxen about children making a town out of rocks and boxes (hence the name of their town Roxaboxen). So, my own children began lining their properties with lumber, rocks, and things. Even a canal was dug. We can see their little town from the Google Earth map of our property. The first mayor named the town Merry Weather (they elect a new Sheriff and Mayor every month or so out of our seven children). Because we all love Merry Weather, we have named our homeschool Merry Weather Homeschool. I believe that the children have a sentimental attachment to the name and won’t feel too old for it as they grow.


    Whether the weather be fine

    Or whether the weather be not

    Whether the weather be cold

    Or whether the weather be hot

    We’ll weather the weather

    Whatever the weather

    Whether we like it or not.


    Oh my … lol at so many of your comments! Laughing

    Ours is just Street Name Academy — but our street name is nice, so that worked here.

    But I live in a state where I can never change the name and several times I wish I had been a little more creative. Probably my boys will appreciate the blandness of this name when it is diploma time though.

    Fun discussion!




    We brainstormed together to come up with names, and tried to think of something meaningful. We had some Latin ideas I can’t remember now, and different ideas the kids came up with. They voted for Evergreen Academy because they decided it represented both learning – staying fresh and new as we learn new things – and our faith, which should always be growing. I hadn’t even thought of that, but it made it special that the boys came up with that.

    I like the Streams to Rivers idea, and even though you’re not at the farm anymore, it’s a lovely name – perhaps it would hold sentimental value?




    what a fun thread! We don’t have a name for our school, but now I want one! 

    I was telling the kids about it, and they loved the Acorns to Oaks Academy name.  But my youngest (7 years) came up with one in all seriousness that I was trying hard not to laugh at:  “(Name) Children Schooling Section Academy.”  When her siblings turned it down, she came up with, “Reading, Spelling, Math School”.  Clearly she doesn’t understand the concept!  lol


    Hill House Academy. This is the name we use for Grades 6-12.

    I’ve jokingly call my school “Snoopy School” because I feel that I must sometimes sound like that teacher on the show. You know, the one that says wah, wah, wah. LOL It’s a good reminder about Charlotte Mason’s point about less talk from teachers. I have a tendency to do that. :0

    I should probably get a real name though and stick with it.

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