….for I am in shock.
I am almost in tears for this small but very significant blessing. Our days, of late, have been very, very difficult due to my son’s unpredictable behavior. We are starting counseling with a new Christian therapist this week, so I’m hopeful for positive change, but our days are very stressful.
So, this morning, out of the blue, 14yo ds comes downstairs–fully-dressed for the day–and just pauses with a big smile to give me a hug. (This child has tactile difficulties & is very “wooden” and stingy about hugs.) Then, just moments later, I overheard him politely asking his sister if he could put in his video game after her song was over. (She was playing a cd in the system, and you can’t play both at the same time.) He typically just takes out whatever is in the system & puts in his game without even thinking that someone else put that in to watch/play/listen.
I have not seen this kind of forethought and personal interaction from him–well, I can’t really recall the last time! I wish I could bottle whatever is going on inside him and give him daily doses of it. What a blessed moment for me.